Load and use the AI system on the client
Bit rate on client
Desired amount of vertical camera movement while the player is moving. Value cannot be larger than cl_bobMaxHeight
Clamps the maximum amount of vertical camera movement while the player is moving at maximum speed
Multiplier to add additional camera bobbing while player is sprinting
Multiplier to add additional camera bobbing while the player is moving vertically
Desired amount of horizontal camera movement while the player is moving
Adds hand-held like camera noise to the camera view. The higher the value, the higher the noise. A value <= 0 disables it.
Defines camera noise frequency for the camera view. The higher the value, the higher the noise.
Hide/Unhide comments
To make the crouch key work as a toggle
enable swimming debugging
Force disable all output from HUD Debug text nodes
Global color override (BLUE)
Global color override
Global color override (GREEN)
Global color override (RED)
Global font size multiplier
Hide AI debug tags
Hide all tags (overrides all other options)
Hide AI behavior tags
Hide tags created by flowgraph
Hide AI readability tags
Hide tags created by Lua script
Logging (0=off, 1=editor.log, 2=editor.log + AIlog.log)
Max display distance
field of view.
Time delay between idle breaks
Enables actionmap and view setup for the client actor after connection. Default is 1.
Controller Look Up-Down invert for flying vehicles
Controller Look Up-Down invert
Controller Look Up-Down invert for land vehicles (and amphibious vehicles)
mouse invert?
1 = log assert only. 2 = log assert and callstack
Default motion blur vector scale
Motion blur vector scale while sprinting
field of view scale (multiplayer)
Nickname for player on connect.
Packet rate on client
Apply post animation updates to the camera (0 = none, 1 = position, 2 = position&rotation)
Set mouse sensitivity!
Set controller sensitivity! Expecting 0.0f to 2.0f
Set controller sensitivity! Expecting 0.0f to 2.0f
Server address
Server password
Server port
Shallow water depth high (above has full slowdown)
Shallow water depth low (below has zero slowdown)
Shallow water speed multiplier (AI only)
shallow water speed multiplier (Players only)
Blur amount during slide
Blur blend-in time during slide
Blur radius during slide (proportion of the screen)
Frequency of bobbing effect based on players speed
To make the sprint key work as a toggle
Desired amount of horizontal camera movement while the player is strafing
Token id expected from client player during connection
camera distance in 3rd person view
camera angle offset in 3rd person view
Use the current user name instead of the default profile's name
Sets Debug information of the ViewSystem.
Enables Visual Logging.
Specifies sub folder to write logs to.
Specifies file format of captured files (jpg, bmp).
Image size. [0-1] = scale value. >1 = actual pixels for image width
Enable client voice recording
Set VOIP playback volume: 0-1
To make the zoom key work as a toggle