Set to 1/0 to enable/disable AI path adjustment around dynamic obstacles
Sets agent statistics draw distance, such as current goalpipe, command and target. Only information on enabled AI objects will be displayed. To display more information on particular AI agent, use ai_StatsTarget. Yellow line represents direction where AI is trying to move; Red line represents direction where AI is trying to look; Blue line represents forward dir (entity forward); Usage: ai_AgentStatsDist [view distance] Default is 20 meters. Works with ai_DebugDraw enabled.
If turned off, all agents will miss all the time.
If turned off, all agents will miss the player all the time.
Displays the update times of all agents, in milliseconds. Usage: ai_AllTime [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Times all agents and displays the time used updating each of them. The name is colour coded to represent the update time. Green: less than 1 ms (ok) White: 1 ms to 5 ms Red: more than 5 ms You must enable ai_DebugDraw before you can use this tool.
Enable ambient fire system.
Number of units allowed to hit the player at a time.
Ambient fire update interval. Controls how often puppet's ambient fire status is updated.
Toggles AI attempting a simple straight path when possible. Default is 1 (on).
Time indicating how long invalid navsos should be banned.
Toggles AI optimisation of the generated path. Usage: ai_BeautifyPath [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Optimisation is on by default. Set to 0 to disable path optimisation (AI uses non-optimised path).
Enables/disables bubble notifier.
Specifies the type of messages you want to receive: 0 - none 1 - Only logs in the console 2 - Only bubbles 3 - Logs and bubbles 4 - Only blocking popups 5 - Blocking popups and logs 6 - Blocking popups and bubbles 7 - All notifications
Specifies the decay time for the bubbles drawn on screen.
Font size for the BubblesSystem.
Specifies if the BubblesSystem should use the depth test to show the messages inside the 3D world.
Enabling the visualization of the bubbles created to prototype AI dialogs
When using FIREMODE_BURST_WHILE_MOVING - only fire when within this distance to the destination.
Checks goalpipes and dumps report to console.
The maximum segment length used by CheckWalkabilityFast when querying for world geometry from physics. Default: 1.75
Time it takes for AI perception to become effected by cloak. Usage: ai_CloakingDelay 0.7 Default is 1.5.
Set current mode of Code Coverage system. 0 = off, 1 = smart, 2 = silent, 3 = force
Extra radius to use in Collision Avoidance calculations as a buffer.
Time horizon used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity against other agents.
Enable/Disable the clamping of the speed resulting from ORCA with the navigation mesh
Enable/disable agents adding an increment to their collision avoidance radius when moving.
Minimum speed allowed to be used by ORCA.
Time horizon used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity against static obstacles.
Distance from it's current path end for an agent to stop avoiding obstacles. Other actors will still avoid the agent.
Decrease rate of the collision avoidance radius increment.
Increase rate of the collision avoidance radius increment.
Range for collision avoidance.
Distance from it's next smart object for an agent to stop avoiding obstacles. Other actors will still avoid the agent.
Distance from it's current target for an agent to stop avoiding obstacles. Other actors will still avoid the agent.
TimeStep used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity.
Enable/disable agents updating their velocities after processing collision avoidance.
Tests communication for the specified AI actor. If no communication name is specified all communications will be played. Usage: ai_commTest [commName]
Stop currently playing communication for the specified AI actor. Usage: ai_commTestStop
Forces all the AI agents to use a test voice pack. The test voice pack will have the specified name in the archetype or in the entity and the system will replace the _XX number with the _test string
Defines the threshold used to detect if the target is above or below the entity that wants to play a communication.
Set AI features to behave in earlier milestones - please use sparingly
Time it takes the AI to decide cloaked target's position is lost. Usage: ai_CompleteCloakDelay 2.0 Default is 0.5.
Vertical size of the box to collect potential cool objects to shoot at.
Horizontal size of the box to collect potential cool objects to shoot at.
Global time between potential cool misses.
Maximum mass of a non-destroyable, non-deformable, non-breakable rigid body entity to be considered.
Maximum distance to go away from the player.
Agents' chance to perform a cool miss!
Enables using exact positioning for arriving at cover. Usage: ai_CoverPredictTarget [0/1] Default x is 0 (off) 0 - disable 1 - enable
Max numbers of observers to consider when selecting cover. Usage: ai_CoverMaxEyeCount
Enables simple cover system target location prediction. Usage: ai_CoverPredictTarget x Default x is 0.0 (off) x - how many seconds to look ahead
Minimum spacing between agents when choosing cover. Usage: ai_CoverPredictTarget x - Spacing width in meters
Enables the cover system. Usage: ai_CoverSystem [0/1] Default is 1 (on) 0 - off - use anchors 1 - use offline cover surfaces
Max perception range for AI when player is crouching
Toggles AI using crowd control in pathfinding. Usage: ai_CrowdControlInPathfind [0/1] Default is 0 (off).
Start debugging an agent more in-depth. Pick by name, closest or in center of view. Example: ai_DebugAgent closest Example: ai_DebugAgent centerview Example: ai_DebugAgent name Call without parameters to stop the in-depth debugging. Example: ai_DebugAgent
Toggles AI's aggression system debug mode.
Toggles AI's battlefront system debug mode.
Display behavior selection information for a specific agent Usage: ai_DebugBehaviorSelection
Display behavior variable information for a specific agent Usage: ai_DebugBehaviorVariables
Toggles output of check walkability information, as well as allowing the use of tagpoints named CheckWalkabilityTestStart/End to trigger a test each update. [default 0 is off]
Radius to use for the per-frame debug CheckWalkability test.
Force agents velocity to it's current direction times the specified value.
Toggles debugging of deferred death on/off.
Toggles the AI debugging view. Usage: ai_DebugDraw [-1/0/1] Default is 0 (minimal), value -1 will draw nothing, value 1 displays AI rays and targets and enables the view for other AI debugging tools.
Enables drawing the adaptive movement urgency.
Displays fire quota on puppets.
Provided ai_DebugDraw > 0, if the camera is closer to an agent than this distance, agent arrows for look/fire/move arrows will have labels. Usage: ai_DebugDrawArrowLabelsVisibilityDistance [distance] Default is 50.
Draws the A* open list for the specified AI agent. Usage: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList [AI agent name] Default is 0, which disables the debug draw. Requires ai_DebugPathfinding=1 to be activated.
The amount of time to draw the A* open list.
Toggles drawing banned navsos [default 0 is off]
Enable debugging obstacle avoidance system.
Name of the agent to draw collision avoidance data for.
Displays communication debug information. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCommunication [0/1/2] 0 - disabled. (default). 1 - draw playing and queued comms. 2 - draw debug history for each entity. 5 - extended debugging (to log) 6 - outputs info about each line played
Tweaks how many historical entries are displayed per entity. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCommunicationHistoryDepth [depth]
Toggles displaying the cool miss locations around the player. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoolMisses [0/1]
Displays cover debug information. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCover [0/1/2] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - currently being used 2 - all in 50m range (slow)
Displays cover locations. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoverLocations [0/1] Default is 0 (off)
Renders red balls at the location of occupied cover. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoverOccupancy [0/1] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - render red balls at the location of occupied cover
Displays cover planes. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoverPlanes [0/1] Default is 0 (off)
Displays cover sampler debug rendering. Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoverSampler [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - display floor sampling 2 - display surface sampling 3 - display both
Draws crowd control debug information. 0=off, 1=on
Debugs the damage control system 0=disabled, 1=collect, 2=collect&draw.
Draws the damage parts of puppets and vehicles.
Displays dynamic cover sampler debug rendering. Usage: ai_DebugDrawDynamicCoverSampler [0/1] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - on
Sets the range for drawing dynamic hide objects around the player (needs ai_DebugDraw > 0).
list of AI Actors that are enabled and metadata
list of AI players that are enabled and metadata
Displays expensive accessory usage quota on puppets.
Toggles displaying the fire command targets and modifications. Usage: ai_DebugDrawFireCommand [0/1]
Set AI features to behave in earlier milestones - please use sparingly
Toggles the AI Groups debugging view. Usage: ai_DebugDrawGroups [0/1] Default is 0 (off). ai_DebugDrawGroups displays groups' leaders, members and their desired positions.
Sets the range for drawing hidespots around the player (needs ai_DebugDraw > 0).
Toggle drawing rays used in HM_ONLY_IF_CAN_SHOOT_FROM_THERE hide spot search option. Usage: ai_DebugDrawHideSpotSearchRays [0..1]
Debug AI light level manager
Displays the navigation debug information. Usage: ai_DebugDrawNavigation [0/1] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - triangles and contour 2 - triangles, mesh and contours 3 - triangles, mesh contours and external links 4 - triangles, mesh contours, external links and triangle IDs 5 - triangles, mesh contours, external links and island IDs
Enables displaying bounding boxes for world changes. Usage: ai_DebugDrawNavigationWorldMonitor [0/1] Default is 0 (off) 0 - off 1 - on
Displays current physics access statistics for the AI module.
Debug draw special player actions.
Enables debug draw for reinforcement logic for specified group. Usage: ai_DebugDrawReinforcements , or -1 to disable.
Draws the game logic representation of the stance size of the AI agents.
Enables drawing vegetation collision closer than a distance projected onto the terrain.
Sets AI VisionMap Debug Draw Mode. Default is 0 - off.0 - off 1 - performance only 2 - everything
Restricts the vision map debugging info to only one entity. ai_DebugDrawVisionMap needs to be enabled too usage: ai_DebugDrawVisionMapEntity .
Toggles the AI debugging drawing of voxels in volume generation. Usage: ai_DebugDrawVolumeVoxels [0, 1, 2 etc] Default is 0 (off) +n draws all voxels with original value >= n -n draws all voxels with original value = n
Draws global perception scale multipliers on screen
Debug HideSpot Name!
Display debugging information on interest system
Enabled MNM debug draw for an specific agent type. Usage: ai_debugMNMAgentType [AgentTypeName]
Output warnings to the console whenever Actions in the Modular Behavior Tree fail. 0 = Disabled (default). Any other value = Enabled.
Draw debug information to the screen regarding character movement.
Toggles output of pathfinding information [default 0 is off]
Draws perception manager performance overlay. 0=disable, 1=vis checks, 2=stimulus
Toggles AI's pressure system debug mode.
Enable Range Signaling Debug Screen
Toggles AI's search module debug mode.
Enable Signal Timers Debug Screen
Display debugging information on tactical point selection system
Highlight with red spheres any points blocked by generation phase, e.g. occupied points
Draws the silhouette used for missing the target while shooting.
Draws the target tracks for the given agent Usage: ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent AIName Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI agent to debug
Draws the information contained in the loaded target track configurations to the screen
Filter what configurations are drawn when debugging target tracks Usage: ai_DebugTargetTracks_Filter Filter Default is 'none'. Filter is a substring that must be in the configuration name
Draws lines to illustrate where each agent's target is Usage: ai_DebugTargetTracking 0/1/2 0 = Off. 1 = Show best target. 2 = Show all possible targets.
[0-1] Enable/Disable the debug text of the modular behavior tree's timestamps.
Toggles the visual signal when something goes wrong in the AI scripts. Usage: ai_DebugVisualScriptErrors [0/1] Default is 0 (off).when an error occurs. When that happens there should be an error description in the log.
Toggles allowing the use of tagpoints named WalkabilityCacheOrigin to cache walkability. [default 0 is off]
Toggles the vision cone of the AI agent. Usage: ai_DrawagentFOV [0..1] Default is 0 (off), value 1 will draw the cone all the way to the sight range, value 0.1 will draw the cone to distance of 10% of the sight range, etc. ai_DebugDraw must be enabled before this tool can be used.
Flag field specifying which of the overhead agent stats to display: N - name k - groupID d - distances c - cover info B - currently selected behavior node b - current behavior t - target info G - goal pipe g - goal op S - stance f - fire w - territory/wave p - pathfinding status l - light level (perception) status D - various direction arrows (aim target, move target, ...) status L - personal log a - alertness Default is NkcBbtGgSfdDL
Filters Debug Draw Agent Stats displays to the specified groupIDs separated by spaces usage: ai_DrawAgentStatsGroupFilter 1011 1012
Enables/Disables drawing behavior related areas.
Displays markers for the AI's current attention target position.
Toggles drawing out of bounds AI objects of particular type for debugging AI. Valid only for 3D navigation. Draws red spheres at positions of anchors which are located out of navigation volumes. Those anchors have to be moved. 0 - off, 1 - on
Debug draw the bullet events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable.
Debug draw the collision events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable.
Draws the distance lookup table graph overlay.
Debug draw the explosion events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable.
Draws fake damage indicators on the player.
Draws fake hit effects the player.
Draws fake tracers around the player.
Distance under which the draw fire duration starts decaying linearly.
Enabled AI to sweep fire when starting to shoot after a break.
Maximum angle actors actors are allowed to go away from their aiming direction during draw fire.
Distance under which the draw fire will be disabled.
FOV under which the draw fire will be disabled.
Scale for the weapon's draw fire time setting.
Draws all the currently active formations of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawFormations [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI formations.
Set to the number of seconds you want GetEnclosing() failures visualized. Set to 0 to turn visualization off.
Draws all the active goal ops debug info. Usage: ai_DrawGoals [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI goal op debug info.
Debug draw the grenade events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable.
draw group tactic: 0 = disabled, 1 = draw simple, 2 = draw complex.
Draws latest hide-spot positions for all agents within specified range.
Toggles the AI debugging view of navigation modifiers.
Draw modular behavior statistics to the screen.
Toggles visibility of named agent's position on AI triangulation. See also: ai_DrawNodeLinkType and ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff Usage: ai_DrawNode [ai agent's name] none - switch off all - to display nodes of all the AI agents player - to display player's node AI agent's name - to display node of particular agent
Sets the link cutoff value in ai_DrawNodeLinkType. If the link value is more than ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff the number gets displayed in green, otherwise red.
Sets the link parameter to draw with ai_DrawNode. Values are: 0 - pass radius (default) 1 - exposure 2 - water max depth 3 - water min depth
vertical offset during debug drawing (graph nodes, navigation paths, ...)
Draws the generated paths of the AI agents. ai_drawoffset is used. Usage: ai_DrawPath [name] none - off (default) squad - squadmates enemy - all the enemies
Draws the path adjustment for the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawPathAdjustment [name] Default is none (nobody).
Enables PathFollower debug drawing displaying agent paths and safe follow target.
Draws indicators showing enemy view intersection with perception modifiers
Draws perception handler modifiers on a specific AI Usage: ai_DrawPerceptionHandlerModifiers AIName Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI
Draws indicators showing enemy current perception level of player
Draws perception modifier areas in game mode
Draws rings around player to assist in gauging target distance
Enables/Disables drawing the position of probable target.
Draws AI radar: 0=no radar, >0 = size of the radar on screen
AI radar draw distance in meters, default=20m.
Draws all the currently active readibilities of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawReadibilities [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI readibilities.
Toggles reference points and beacon view for debugging AI. Usage: ai_DrawRefPoints "all", agent name, group id Default is the empty string (off). Indicates the AI reference points by drawing balls at their positions.
[0-1] Enable/Disable the debug helpers showing the AI's selected targets.
Name of puppet to show fire stats
Draws smart object debug information. Usage: ai_DrawSmartObjects [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the smart objects.
Debug draw the sound events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable.
Toggles drawing stats (in a table on top left of screen) for AI objects within specified range. Will display attention target, goal pipe and current goal.
Distance to display the perception events of all enabled puppets. Displays target type and priority
Record and draw the actual path taken by the agent specified in ai_StatsTarget. Path is displayed in aqua, and only a certain length will be displayed, after which old path gradually disappears as new path is drawn. 0=do not record, 1=record.
Display all AI object of specified type. If object is enabled it will be displayed. with blue ball, otherwise with red ball. Yellow line will represent forward direction of the object. <0 - off 0 - display all the dummy objects >0 - type of AI objects to display
list of AI forceUpdated entities
Dump CodeCoverage checkpoints to file
If enabled, dynamic hidespots are considered when evaluating.
How long (max) to spend updating dynamic volume regions per AI update (in sec) 0 disables dynamic updates. 0.002 is a sensible value
How long (max) to spend updating dynamic waypoint regions per AI update (in sec) 0 disables dynamic updates. 0.0005 is a sensible value
If turned on, when agents miss the player, they will pick cool objects to shoot at.
Enable obstacle avoidance system.
Turn on use of max perception range for AI based on player's stance
Toggles AI's pressure system.
Enable AI warnings and errors: 1 or 0
Enables applying water occlusion to AI target visibility checks
Extra radius added to agents close to forbidden edges during beautification.
Extra radius added to agents during beautification.
Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing obstacle size for purposes of vehicle steering. See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold.
Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing obstacle size for purposes of vehicle steering. See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold.
Only draws the AI info of the agent with the given name. Usage: ai_FilterAgentName name Default is none (draws all of them if ai_debugdraw is on)
Enable the alertness check in AI flownodes
Forces all AI characters to specified AG action input. 0 to disable.
Forces all AI characters to specified AG signal input. 0 to disable.
Forces all AI characters to use/not use strafing (-1 disables)
Forces all AI characters to use/not use a fixed look/aim target none disables x, y, xz or yz sets it to the appropriate direction otherwise it forces looking/aiming at the entity with this name (no name -> (0, 0, 0))
Forces all AI characters to specified posture. 0 to disable.
Serialize all AI objects (ignore NO_SAVE flag).
Forces all AI characters to specified stance: Disable = -1, Stand = 0, Crouch = 1, Prone = 2, Relaxed = 3, Stealth = 4, Cover = 5, Swim = 6, Zero-G = 7
[0-1] Enable/disable debug visualization of the hazard system.
Have the Perception Handler ignore all bullet rain stimulus always
Makes AI ignore the player. Usage: ai_IgnorePlayer [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to make AI ignore the player. Used with ai_DebugDraw enabled.
Have the Perception Handler ignore all sound stimulus always
Makes certain visibility checks (for teleporting etc) return false.
Have the Perception Handler ignore all visual stimulus always
Enable interest system
Makes the Interest System check visibility with rays
Amount of deferred intersection tests allowed to be cast per frame!
Enables/Disables the memory profile for the island connections system.
Multiplier for the dynamic link update budget when layer switch occurs.
Duration of the dynamic link update budget bump in frames.
Minimum distance a grenade (or any object thrown using a lob) should land from mates to accept the throw trajectory.
This value identifies percentage of the distance to the target that will be used to simulate human inaccuracy with parabolic throws.
Time frame used to predict the next position of moving mates to score the landing position of the lob throw
Uses random variation for simulating inaccuracy in the lob throw.
Indicates position and some base states of specified objects. It will pinpoint position of the agents; it's name; it's attention target; draw red cone if the agent is allowed to fire; draw purple cone if agent is pressing trigger. none - off squad - squadmates enemy - all the enemies groupID - members of specified group
None = 0, progress/errors/warnings = 1, event = 2, comment = 3
None = 0, progress/errors/warnings = 1, event = 2, comment = 3
Logs all the signals received in CAIActor::NotifySignalReceived.
Minimum value in meters to be added to the obstacle's own size for actors (pathRadius property can override it if bigger)
Calculate mesh reachability starting from designers placed MNM Seeds.
Computes connected islands on the mnm mesh.
[0-1] Display navigation reachable areas in blue and not reachable areas in red
[0-1] Enable/Disable editor background update of the Navigation Meshes
[0-1] Enable/Disable debug draw statistics on pathfinder load
Defines which type of prediction for the point inside each triangle used by the pathfinder heuristic to search for the path with minimal cost. 0 - Triangle center. 1 - Advanced prediction.
Set path finding frame time quota in seconds (Set to 0 for no limit)
[0-1] Display navigation system memory statistics
[0-1] Enable/Disable the usage of the modular behavior tree system.
Enables navigation information updates on a separate thread. Usage: ai_NavigationSystemMT [0/1] Default is 1 (on) 0 - off 1 - on
Toggles the AI network debug. Usage: ai_NetworkDebug [0/1] Default is 0 (off). ai_NetworkDebug is used to direct DebugDraw information from the server to the client.
Disables AI system update when 1
Obstacle size in meters that differentiates small obstacles from big ones so that vehicles can ignore the small ones
Output the personal log messages to the console.
How long (seconds) to overlay AI warnings/errors
Cost used in the heuristic calculation for the avoidance of the group mates's positions.
Cost used in the heuristic calculation for the danger created by the attention target position.
Cost used in the heuristic calculation for the danger created by the position of explosive objects.
Range used to decide if evaluate an explosive danger as an actual threat.
Range used to evaluate the explosive threats in the path calculation. Outside this range a location is considered safe.
Range used to evaluate the group mates avoidance in the path calculation.
Maximum pathfinder time per AI update
Specifies how many seconds an individual AI can hold the pathfinder blocked Usage: ai_PathfindTimeLimit 0.15 Default is 0.08. A lower value will result in more path requests that end in NOPATH - although the path may actually exist.
Defines the number of iteration used for the string pulling operation to simplify the path
Base radius for the AI sound generated when player lands
Multiplier applied to fall speed which is added on to the radius for the AI sound generated when player lands
Multiplier for crouched movement speed effect on footstep sound radius
Default value for crouching footstep sound radius multiplier (overridden by surface type)
Default value for movement speed effect on footstep radius (overridden by surface type)
Multiplier for standing movement speed effect on footstep sound radius
Default value for standing footstep sound radius (overridden by surface type)
Toggle if surface type should be used to get the base radius instead of cvars
Sets if player is affected by light from observable perception checks
Sets if AI should use the predictive path following if allowed by the type's config.
Toggles timing of AI goal execution. Usage: ai_ProfileGoals [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Records the time used for each AI goal (like approach, run or pathfind) to execute. The longest execution time is displayed on screen. Used with ai_DebugDraw enabled.
Max perception range for AI when player is proning
Threshold distance used to calculate the proximity to hostile target alertness increment.
Amount of deferred rays allowed to be cast per frame!
Turns on/off recording of communication stats to a log. Usage: ai_RecordCommunicationStats [0/1]
Sets AI Recorder mode. Default is 0 - off.
Auto record the AI when in Editor mode game
Set the size of the AI debug recording buffer
Reset and start the AI Recorder on demand
Stop the AI Recorder. If logging in memory, saves it to disk.
log all the AI state changes on stats_target
Reload AI system scripts and data
Enable remote archive copying for AI recorder information
Only copy the archive over if it contains a bookmark
Server directory where to copy the remote archive
Resets current communication statistics. Usage: ai_resetCommStats
The base level time the player can survive under fire.
Increment for the alive time when the target is within the kill-zone of the target.
Combat-zone distance = attackRange * combatRangeMod.
Multiplier for cover fire times set in weapon descriptor.
Increment how the orientation of the target affects the alive time. 0=disable
Percentage of the missed hits that will instead be hits dealing very little damage.
Kill-zone distance = attackRange * killRangeMod.
Increment how the target is within the kill-zone of the target.
The amount of time the AI will not hit the target when the target crosses the low health threshold.
Increment how the speed of the target affects the alive time (the value is doubled for supersprint). 0=disable
Increase for reaction time when the target is in dark light condition.
Increase for the reaction time when the enemy is outside the players FOV or near the edge of the FOV. The increment is doubled when the target is behind the player.
Increase for the reaction time when the target is in combat-far-zone or warn-zone. In warn-zone the increase is doubled.
Increase to the reaction to when the target is leaning.
Increase for reaction time when the target is in medium light condition.
Increase for reaction time when the target is in super dark light condition.
Uses rate of death as damage control method.
Increment how the stance of the target affects the alive time, 0=disable. The base value is for crouch, and it is doubled for prone. The crouch inc is disable in kill-zone and prone in kill and combat-near -zones
Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in dark light condition.
Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in medium light condition.
Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in super dark light condition.
Use simplified and faster passability recalculation for human waypoint links where possible.
Deceleration multiplier for non-vehicles
Deceleration multiplier for vehicles
Defines the time frame the AI is allowed to look ahead while moving strictly along a path to decide whether to cut towards the next point. (Run and Sprint only)
Defines the time frame the AI is allowed to look ahead while moving strictly along a path to decide whether to cut towards the next point. (Walk only)
Enables a more failsafe way of preventing the AI to shortcut through obstacles (0 = disable, any other value = enable)
Show debug lines for when CVar ai_SmartPathFollower_useAdvancedPathShortcutting_debug is enabled
Time the AI cannot react to a cloaked target when the target is close enough to be seen while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeCombat 5.0 Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when cloaked relative to how close the enemy is.
Time the AI cannot react to a cloaked target when the target is close enough to be seen while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeRelaxed 5.0 Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when cloaked relative to how close the enemy is.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy if the enemy is crouched while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMCrouchModifierCombat 1.0 Default is 1.0. A higher value will cause the AI to not see the enemy for a longer period of time while the enemy is crouched.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy if the enemy is crouched while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMCrouchModifierRelaxed 1.0 Default is 1.0. A higher value will cause the AI to not see the enemy for a longer period of time while the enemy is crouched.
Debug the threat modifier for the given AI
How long it takes to decay one bar when visual sighting is lost on the target Usage: ai_SOMDecayTime 1 Default is 1 second. A higher value means the AI will take longer to go aggressive if they see the target again
Ratio from [0,1] where the AI will ignore seeing an enemy (keep the threat at none). Usage: ai_SOMIgnoreVisualRatio 0.35 Default is 35%. Putting this at a higher value will result in the AI first considering a visual target to be non-threatening for a percentage of the SOM time period
Minimum time that must pass before AI will see the enemy while alarmed, regardless of distance. Usage: ai_SOMMinimumCombat 0.5 Default is 0.5 seconds. A lower value causes the AI to potentially react to the enemy sooner.
Minimum time that must pass before AI will see the enemy while relaxed, regardless of distance. Usage: ai_SOMMinimumRelaxed 2.0 Default is 2.0 seconds. A lower value causes the AI to potentially react to the enemy sooner.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on the enemy's movement speed while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMMovementModifierCombat 1.0 Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner relative to how fast the enemy is moving - the faster, the sooner.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on the enemy's movement speed while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMMovementModifierRelaxed 1.0 Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner relative to how fast the enemy is moving - the faster, the sooner.
Time before the AI will see the enemy while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMSpeedCombat 0.15 Default is 0.15. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy faster.
Time before the AI will see the enemy while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed 0.4 Default is 0.4. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy faster.
Time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking when the target is at their max sight range while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeCombat 5.0 Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when uncloaking relative to how close the enemy is.
Time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking when the target is at their max sight range while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeRelaxed 5.0 Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when uncloaking relative to how close the enemy is.
Minimum time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking while alarmed. Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeCombat 1.0 Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when uncloaking.
Minimum time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking while relaxed. Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeRelaxed 1.0 Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when uncloaking.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on if the enemy is firing their weapon. Usage: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierCombat 0.1 Default is 0.1. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner if the enemy is firing their weapon.
Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on if the enemy is firing their weapon. Usage: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierRelaxed 0.1 Default is 0.1. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner if the enemy is firing their weapon.
Toggles AI sound perception. Usage: ai_SoundPerception [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Used to prevent AI from hearing sounds for debugging purposes. Works with ai_DebugDraw enabled.
1 = Toggles debugging of the Squad Manager [1=on - 0=off]
Max distance to be considered into a Squad.
Tick time to request a new update or the squads calculation.
Select display mode for the AI stats manager Usage: 0 - Hidden, 1 - Show
Focus debugging information on a specific AI Display current goal pipe, current goal, subpipes and agentstats information for the selected AI agent. Long green line will represent the AI forward direction (game forward). Long red/blue (if AI firing on/off) line will represent the AI view direction. Usage: ai_StatsTarget AIName Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI on which to focus.
Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable across. Usage: ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue 0.8 Default is 0.6 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it greater than ai_SteepSlopeUpValue
Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable up. Usage: ai_SteepSlopeUpValue 0.5 Default is 1.0 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it smaller than ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue
Toggles the regular AI system update. Usage: ai_SystemUpdate [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable ai system updating.
Debugging draw mode: 1=sphere transparency, 2=sphere size
Debugging fade mode: 1=vanish, 2=alpha fade, 3=blink
Scale the size of debugging spheres for visibility
Time to display debugging spheres for (if not 'persistent'
Toggles TPS Warnings on and off
Maximum allowed update time in main AI thread for Tactical Point System Usage: ai_TacticalPointUpdateTime Default is 0.0003
Enable/disable target tracking. 0=disable, any other value = Enable
Global override to control the number of agents that can actively target another agent (unless there is no other choice) A value of 0 means no global limit is applied. If the global target limit is less than the agent's target limit, the global limit is used.
Time it takes the player to uncloak, after which he becomes visible to the AI. Usage: ai_UnCloakingTime 0.9 Default is 0.5.
If non-zero then over-rides the auto-disabling of invisible/distant AI
In seconds the amount of time between two full updates for AI Usage: ai_UpdateInterval Default is 0.1. Number is time in seconds
Toggles update of AI proxy (model). Usage: ai_UpdateProxy [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Updates proxy (AI representation in game) set to 0 to disable proxy updating.
Uses a (calibrated) counter instead of time in AI updates
Toggles the AI using a straight simple distance heuristic for debugging. Usage: ai_UseSimpleHeuristic [0/1]
Enables Smart PathFollower (default: 1).
Enables Smart PathFollower to use AABB checks and other optimizations
LookAheadDistance of SmartPathFollower
scales how much water hides player from AI
Dumps current statistics to log file. Usage: ai_writeCommStats