Enable PoseAligner debug drawing.
Enable PoseAligner.
PoseAligner force lock.
PoseAligner forces no intersections, might make animation more 'poppy'.
PoseAligner forces no root offset.
PoseAligner forces smoothing of target position and normal.
PoseAligner forces targeting weight to always be one.
generic multiplier applied to the dmg calculated when an object impacts into an AI.
Min collision mass that can cause a fall and play
Min collision speed that can cause a fall and play
Logs collisions ( 0=no Log, 1=Only collisions with damage, 2=All collisions
Logs all console commands and cvars
1 = enabled autotesting, 2 = enabled autotesting with no output results written.
quit the game when tests are done
setup string for autotesting
output detailed logging whilst running feature tests
Bans player for 30 minutes from server.
Removes player from ban list.
Shows currently banned players.
Ban timeout in minutes
Enable disables the boids. If set to 0 before the starting of the game will prevent the creation of the flocks.
The maximum value used for breakage world positions
Break world origin
Break world origin
CacheAudio GameHint
Enable cry lobby debug tests
How often a cry lobby task will return with a time out error
The maximum time a cry lobby task will be delayed before processing in milliseconds
The minimum time a cry lobby task will be delayed before processing in milliseconds
Enable Cooperative Animation debug output
Allows the sliding while the anims are being streamed. Otherwise the sliding step while wait until the anims are streaming
Uses the new cooperative animation system which works without the animation graph
Add a comment to the AI Recorder
Start a client and connect to a server
Start a client and attempt to connect repeatedly to a server
the number of attempts to connect that connect_repeatedly tries
the time between connect attempts for connect_repeatedly
Closes the console
Opens the console
The multiplier applied when x rotation has been at full lock for the required time
The multiplier applied when x rotation has been at full lock for the required time
Vertical linear sensitivity multiplier
Horizontal linear sensitivity multiplier
Analog controller input curve for both axes
Sets the maximally allowed method for taking smooth corners; 0 = none; 1 = C2 method, smoothcd of angle; 2 = C3 method, using splines
Enables debugging for corner smoother.
Enable controller debugging.
Sets antialiasing modes to editing mode (disables jitter on modes using camera jitter which can cause flickering of helper objects) Usage: CV_r_AntialiasingModeEditor [0/1]
Logs constant buffer updates statistics.
If enabled, D3D debug runtime break on message/error will be enabled only for 1 frame since last change.
List of D3D debug runtime messages to break on. Usage: 0 - no break (default) msgID1 msgID2 msgID3 - break whenever a message with one of given IDs occurs -1 - break on any error or corruption message
List of D3D debug runtime messages to mute (see DirectX Control Panel for full message ID list) Use space separated list of IDs, eg. '388 10 544'
Mute whole group of messages of certain severity when D3D debug runtime enabled: 0 - no severity based mute 1 - mute INFO only 2 - mute INFO and WARNING (default) 3 - mute INFO, WARNING and ERROR 4 - mute all (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CORRUPTION)
Avoid D3D debug runtime errors for certain cases
Forces the Direct3D device to target a specific feature level - supported values are: 10.0 10.1 11.0
Sets the maximum number of delayed detonation perk RMI's sent per frame
Sets delay before allowing more delayed detonation perk RMI's to be sent
Plays a time demo from file. Usage: demo demoname
designer warnings are enabled
Designer warnings about resource load during run-time
Stop a game (or a client or a server)
Stop a game (or a client or a server)
Holds the path to the directory where DLC should be installed to and read from
Prints all action map bindings to console
Dumps currently scanned maps
Dumps some player statistics
This console command dumps all console variables and commands to disk DumpCommandsVars [prefix]
List all messages which could appear during loading
Dump ItemString table.
This console command dumps all console variables to disk DumpVars [IncludeCheatCvars]
Echo's the text back to the console and log files.
Prints all equipment pack information to console
executes a batch file of console commands
Turns on/off force feedback system debug.
Play force feedback effect, passed by name as first parameter
Reload force feedback system data
Stop force feedback effect, passed by name as first parameter
Plays the flycam path
Sets a fly cam point
Disable the freecam
Enable the freecam
Stay in freecam but lock the camera, allowing player controls to resume
Stay in freecam unlock the camera, stopping player controls
Get or set the current position and orientation for the player Usage: goto Usage: goto x y z Usage: goto x y z wx wy wz
Set the position of a entity with an given name
Enable GPU physics if available (0=off / 1=enabled).
Password for http administration
Starts an HTTP server
Stops an HTTP server
Ignore all asserts
Enter the current ongoing game.
Kicks player from game
Kicks player from game
Kills the player.
Selects last inventory item used.
Load game
Loads a key configuration file
Load .cfg file from disk (from the {Game}/Config directory) e.g. LoadConfig lowspec.cfg Usage: LoadConfig
Loads the last savegame if available.
Dump out into about the loaded localization files
Dump out into about the loaded localization tags
Load a map
print allocs with stack traces
Display memory information by modules 1=on, 0=off
output in-game sizer information to the log
dump symbol info to mem replay log
output some info about the replay log
record a label in the mem replay log
Pause collection of mem replay data
Resume collection of mem replay data (use with -memReplayPaused cmdline)
stop logging to mem replay
clears memHierarchy tree
0/x=refresh rate in milliseconds Use 1000 to switch on and 0 to switch off Usage: MemStats [0..]
Enable rendering of 3D objects over certain front end and in-game menus
Force show Pii Screen on SP->MP transisiton. Can't unset entitlement, just for viewing
Lerp value for animation-driven physical entities
Speed multiplier whilst carrying the flag in Capture the Flag game mode.
Energy cost used in armor mode whilst carrying the tick in extraction game mode.
Energy cost used in armor mode whilst carrying the tick in extraction game mode.
Speed multiplier whilst carrying the tick in extraction game mode.
The time that the intro hint messages are paused to stay on screen longer than normal
When the round time is <= this value start flashing/beeping the timer
Sets player name.
Filename for framerate and memory logging.
Play back a recorded game
Play all signals...
Get or set the current position and orientation for the player - unlike goto it actually sets the player rotation correctly Usage: goto Usage: goto x y z Usage: goto x y z wx wy wz
Play an signal
Play an signal on an entity
Preload multiplayer assets for memory statistics.
Allows CPU profiling Usage: profile # Where # sets the profiling to: 0: Profiling off 1: Self Time 2: Hierarchical Time 3: Extended Self Time 4: Extended Hierarchical Time 5: Peaks Time 6: Subsystem Info 7: Calls Numbers 8: Standard Deviation 9: Memory Allocation 10: Memory Allocation (Bytes) 11: Stalls -1: Profiling enabled, but not displayed Default is 0 (off)
Profiles streaming of different assets. Usage: profileStreaming [0/1/2] 1: Graph displayed as points. 2: Graph displayed as lines.Default is 0 (off).
Dumps an xml description of stats in telemetry
Sets persistant stats
Set stats to test values and send so we can check they come back correctly
Quits the game
Issues a console command from a RCON client to a RCON server
Connects to a remote control server
Disconnects from a remote control server
Sets password for the RCON system
Starts a remote control server
Stops a remote control server
Reloads readability xml files.
Starts recording of a time demo. Usage: record demoname File 'demoname.tmd' will be created.
Records a video clip of the game Usage: RecordClipCmd
Reloads all localization dependent XML sheets for the currently set language.
Remove all dummy players.
Restarts Crysis completely.
Revives the player.
Execute a set of unit tests
Save game
Calling this command creates multiple XML files with level statistics. The data includes file usage, dependencies, size in more/disk. The files can be loaded in Excel.
Set the auto-update poll period for new SoftCode modules. Set to zero to disable
Loads any new SoftCode modules
Create a screenshot with annotation e.g. Screenshot beach scene with shark Usage: Screenshot
( , ) Set the state of a dummy player.
Spread multiplier when sliding
Create a squad session
Enable squad manager debug watches and logs
Enables and disables squad
Time to wait for squadmates to leave before following an invite
Kick a player from the squad
Leave a squad session
( , [ , , ]) Spawn an actor of class , at position ( , , ). If position is not provided it will be spawned in front of the camera.
Spawn some dummy players for profiling purposes. usage: spawnDummyPlayers [count=1] or: spawnDummyPlayers [count=1] noteams - To not assign the player to a team] or: spawnDummyPlayers [count=1] team [idx] - To assign the player to a specified team number.
Sets the player as a spectator.
Enables debugging of a SPU Job. Usage: spu_debug name Where 'name' refers to the exact name of the SPU job, automatically deactivated afterwards
Set to 1 to dump SPU job stats for current frame. Gets automatically deactivated after current frame has finished.
Enable SPU Jobs: 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate
Specifies how many raw SPUs are to be used: 2..5
SPU Profile Mode: 1 to display functions, 0 to display jobs
Use SPU for stream decompression: 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate
Shows connection status
Stop playing a time demo.
Stops recording of a time demo. Usage: stoprecording File 'demoname.?' will be saved.
Stop playing signals on an entity
Control segmented world, use 'sw help' for more info
Segmented World Debug Info (0=disable, 1=grid, 2=position, 3=memory, 4=color-coded object, 5=seg index, 6=seg index with layer info)
Draw bounding box for segments. Default is 1.
Number of active grids in both column and line for segmented world
Switches game between single and multiplayer
Forces the player to take damage
Sets player team.
delegate test cmd
Remove CacheAudio GameHint
Unload current map
Analogue controller vehicle acceleration curve
Analogue controller vehicle acceleration curve scale
Analogue controller vehicle deceleration curve
Analogue controller vehicle steering deceleration scale
Analogue controller vehicle steering curve
Analogue controller vehicle steering curve scale
Shows game version number
Run visual regression test. Usage: VisRegTest [ =test] [ =visregtest.xml] [quit=false]
writes console to screen
writes console to screen if it matches substr
Mute player's voice comms
Vote to kick the player the vote is against
Initiate kick vote.
Forces the console to wait for a given number of frames before the next deferred command is processed Works only in deferred command mode
Forces the console to wait for a given number of seconds before the next deferred command is processed Works only in deferred command mode
On-screen watch text is enabled/disabled
Draw2d label to IFFont x scale value (for calcing sizes).
On-screen watch text line spacing (to cram more text on screen without shrinking the font)
On-screen watch text render size
On-screen watch text render start x position
On-screen watch text render start y position