Set to true to adjust the angle a player jumps relative to the floor normal they're stood on. Can make jumping on slopes frustrating.
Aim Acceleration: Enable/Disable aim acceleration.
Aim Assistance: Force disabling at certain difficulty level
Aim Assistance: Enable/Disable aim assistance.
Multiplier for autoaim slow and follow vs cloaked targets
Multiplier for autoaim slow and follow vs cloaked targets
When holding down the use button and moving over an item the item will be used
After auto-picking an item the system will be disabled for this many seconds
Define whether or not the boosted melee mechanic can be used in multiplayer
Time over which to transition the camera between modes
Time over which to transition into the animated camera mode going into ledge grab
Time over which to transition into the animated camera mode going out of the ledge grab
Override the interia of clients
Display debug energy consumption rate info
Write CPlayerCamera-related messages to game log
Write player plug-in info to the console and log file
Display information about pickable item at which the player is about to interact with
Enables debug info for any active projectile aim assist
View debug information for vistable
test ent id to add
view currently ignored entities set in vistable
test ent id to remove
Display on-screen text showing player's current camera mode (requires 'watch_enabled')
Debug interpolation
Do local hit impulses in multiplayer
Damage threshold to activate fall and play
the speed at where the falling is always fatal to the enemy
the maximum hit damage to the enemy can receive from being rammed from a falling player
Minimum relative momentum to make an actor fall from the collision with another actor
Max damage if both actors are alive (and in movement)
Max ragdoll to player damage
the falling speed the player starts to hurt the enemy from falling
how much fall speed influences view shake intensity after a melee hit
maximum view shake intensity
how much fall speed influences view shake intensity
maximum view shake time
how much fall speed influences view shake time
The height above the ground at which the player starts to fall
Angle to aim camera when falling death begins
How long to wait before fading camera to black
Sets a player's health.
Collision damage will never put the player below this health
If player health percentage drops below this threshold it's considered critical.
If player health percentage drops below this threshold it's considered critical.
Interval used to keep critical health msg shown (SP)
Enables console output of fall damage information.
Enables/Disables fall&play for the player
Enables new Health/Hits HUD effect (only on level reload)
Damage curve attack for medium fall speed
MP Damage curve attack for medium fall speed
Falling damage will never pu the player below this health, unless falling above fatal speed
Fatal fall
Fatal fall in armor mode
Fatal fall in armor mode (in MP)
Safe fall speed.
Safe fall speed in armor mode (in MP).
Fall speed to play heavyLand
Fall speed to play heavyLand in armor mode
Fall speed to play heavyLand in armor mode (in MP)
Fast regeneration rate in points per second
only shows a bit of blood on screen when player is hit. Use this with g_godMode on.
Regeneration rate in points per second
Regeneration rate in points per second
Time between hits to start regeneration
Time between hits to start regeneration
Slow regeneration rate in points per second
Percentage of deflection to counter by rotation of the higher joints
Show the Impulse Handler debug.
Duration of impulse
Enable procedural impulses
Tiume factor at which to apply maximum deflection (0->1)
Animation layer to apply impulse to
Maximum angular pitch in rads
Maximum angular twist in rads
Movement input acceleration
The amount of time that is added on per jump
Scales base air control while in air
Scales inertia while in air
Scales base air resitance while in air
Multiplier for the current timer per jump
The maximum value of the timer
If jump button is released quicker than this threshold (in secs) then the jump will be flagged as 'quick'. In Power mode, this will do a normal (Tactical) jump instead of a power jump
Do verbose logs whenever the player uses a ladder
Render a player climbing a ladder in front of other geometry
FP camera blending weight when performing ledge grab action. Do NOT change this from 1.0f lightly!
Turn on debug drawing of Ledge Clamber
0 = No vault from standing; 1 = Vault when push towards obstacle and press jump; 2 = Vault when press jump; 3 = Vault when push towards obstacle
Distance to camera that activates leg collider proxies on characters
Scales leg colliders relative to skeleton bones
Angle limit (in degrees) in which behind damage multiplier will apply (x2 for full range)
Damage multiplier for melee attacking somebody from behind
Damage multiplier for melee attacking somebody in Multiplayer (eg. the Defenders in Assault)
Enable/Disables debug gfx for melees
Enables/Disables melee impulse handling. 0: Disabled, 1: Only impulses on alive characters, 2: Only impulses on ragdolls, 3: All impulses enabled
Angle limit (in degrees) in which melee snap applies (x2 for full range)
Smooths transition to target direction. Range[0.0 - 1.0f]. Set to 1 for instant alignment
melee lunge target distance from player
Multiplier to distance to determine movement velocity
melee lunge target selection range
Enable knockbacks on successful melee hits
Strength of melee attack knock back horizontally
Strength of melee attack knock back vertically
Enables the three-part melee system
When meleeing with the 3-part system the camera will lock and face the target during the intro phase
When targets are crouching the camera will adjust down by this amount
How long the camera is locked for when meleeing with 3-part system
If a sliding player moves in range of an enemy player they will attempt an automatic melee attack
MP Only. Duration of the blend-out of the full-screen hit effects that affect the victim when hit by a melee attack
MP DEBUG Only. Setting this to X will immediately trigger a full-screen melee hit effect for X secs, useful for testing the effect with just 1 player
MP Only. Duration of the full-screen hit effects that affect the victim when hit by a melee attack
MP Only. Intensity of the full-screen hit effects that affect the victim when hit by a melee attack
Show debug information for MIKE weapon
maximum number of burning points
Crouch speed scale
Amount of time (in seconds) the player/ai can be in the air and still be considered on ground
Changes how drastically slopes affect a players movement speed when moving downhill. Lower = less effect.
Minimum threshold for the slope steepness before speed is affected (in degrees).
Changes how drastically slopes affect a players movement speed when moving uphill. Lower = less effect.
Crouch speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-off) weapon
Base speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-off) weapon
Sprint speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-off) weapon
Strafe speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-off) weapon
Fov while sprinting in power mode
General speed scale
Sprint speed scale
For MP characters (eg. Assault defenders). Display debug values for the sprint stamina
Strafe speed scale
The minimum fraction of nano vision energy you need to have recharged to re-engage it
Time it takes nanovision energy to drain from full to zero
Time it takes nanovision energy to recharge to full from zero
Factor to lerp the remote aim directions by
Maximum char speed, used by interpolation
When applying impulses, [0.0,1.0] of the impulse will be directly away from the attacker (to keep the ragdoll death visible) the inverse will be in the impact direction
Height above auto aim target throw will aim at. Helps account for curved throw path
Score multiplier for the 'cone' part of the auto aim algorithm
Auto aim cone size(degrees) - 50% either side of forward view dir
Max dist auto aim will track targets to
Score multiplier for the 'distance' part of the auto aim algorithm
Specifies whether charged throw auto aim is enabled
Enable debug output for charged weapon throw.
Specifies whether large environmental weapons can be cloaked in MP games with a cloaked user
e.g 0.35 == input window is within the final 0.35 [0.0,1.0] T of the prev anim
Movement speed for environmental weapon melee auto aim
Angle limit (in degrees) in which melee snap applies
If set to > 0.0f this distance will be used over xml specified dist to lerp player to prior to commencing grab anim.
Enable debug output for charged weapon throw.
Local helper Xpos override for grabbable entity
Local helper Ypos override for grabbable entity
Turn on debug drawing of Pick And Throw
Set to 1 to enable. If 0, object will be thrown using it's current orientation(dependent on throw anim)
Enable debug output for environmental weapon combos
Enable debug of swing sweep test
duration override for primary combo attack anim (< 0.0f == no desired override)
duration override for grab anim when obj on floor(< 0.0f == no desired override)
duration override for primary attack anim (< 0.0f == no desired override)
duration override for grab anim when obj rooted (< 0.0f == no desired override)
When impulsing ragdolls, override impulses specified in xml, will have their z component flipped, if the player's view dir z component is lower than this threshold
When impulsing ragdolls, if this cvar is > 0.0f, any z component of an override impulse specified in xml,will be multiplied 0->1 (based on the z component of the look dir) and this multiplier
Enable debug output for environmental weapon health
The frontal cone in which env weapon impacts are acted upon e.g. ignore hits with objects behind player
Enable debug output for environmental weapon impacts
Scale for impulse appled to victim on hit with environmental weapon
Splits environmental weapon impulse between the hit location on the articulated ragdoll, and the living entity as a whole [0.0f, 1.0f]
The minimum pitch that can be achieved when holding a pick and throw weapon in mp
Scale for impulse applied to object on hit with environmental weapon
Enable property rendering
Set to 1 to enable. If 1, sweep tests will be performed during melee swings for weapons flagged as requiring sweeptests in pickandthrow.xml
speed multiplier for weapon throw anim. less than 1 = longer than standard duration. -1 = default speed
duration multiplier for wait time when picking up un-rooted weapons from the floor
Time over which view dir is blended to target during env weap melee
target view lerp pos offset when using env weap melee
Angle tolerance (in degrees - from upright) in which a surface normal is considered as ground ( and an impact to stick rather than rebound )
height tolerance (in metres) from the player entity, in which we consider sticking rather than rebound
Collisions per second threshold considered stuck
Enable intersection assist debugging
if 1, embedded objects will be deleted, 0 - object will just be put to sleep
How far an object must penetrate to be considered embedded
time period over which we will assess if something is stuck
How far an object must move per sec to be considered not stuck
Maximum time period over which orientation/position correction will occur before grab anim is commenced
but window will be artificially extended to be no shorter than X e.g. 0.33 seconds
The minimum thrown hit velocity (m/s) that will be acted on
lower end [0.0f,1.0f] range for impulse multiplier to low mass objects (e.g. at 0.00001 mass this multiplier is used), at objectImpulseLowMassthreshold (above) 1.0f * impulse scale is used
impulses to objects below this mass are scaled smaller to improve impulse appearance
speed multiplier for pick and throw orientation/position correction
the speed at which the rebound anim is played back - based on speed of original anim being reversed
Reloads the parameters for the pick and throw proxies
Enables/Disables PickAndThrow proxies. Needs reload
Power sprint: Stick angle threshold for sprinting (0.0 - 90.0f
When refilling ammo from an ammo box, the weapon will be lowered and disabled for this time
Reload player's data.
Render player in nearest pass
Serialise the physics vel rathe rthan the stick
Debug local player's shots.
Shotgun damage cap when firing normally, MP ONLY
Enable/Disable stealth interference effect on actions
Slide Camera Factor
Deceleration while sliding (in m/s)
Extra speed added to sliding, when going down hill (scaled linearly to slope)
Slope angle threshold at which we reach maximum downhill acceleration
Slope angle threshold for down hill sliding
Speed threshold at which sliding will stop automatically
Min sprinting movement speed to trigger sliding
Deceleration while sliding (in m/s) (for MP)
Extra speed added to sliding, when going down hill (scaled linearly to slope) (for MP)
Slope angle threshold at which we reach maximum downhill acceleration (for MP)
Slope angle threshold for down hill sliding (for MP)
Speed threshold at which sliding will stop automatically (for MP)
Min sprinting movement speed to trigger sliding (for MP)
Clone dying players to create longer-lasting corpses (in multiplayer)
Timeout for bailing out of stamp. Essentially a coverall in case of emergency
For PlayerMovement StateMachine Debugging
Shotgun damage cap when firing from cloak, MP ONLY
Lerp factor between entity rotation and spine rotation
Enable/Disable stealth kills in multiplayer. 2 = stealth mode only
Show debug lines for stealth kill angles
Maximum speed of target for attempting stealth kill in multiplayer
Enable/Disable uncloaking of the killer during stealth kills in multiplayer
Allows stealth kills to be executed from a larger range
Enable physics checks to make sure the player is able to do a stealth kill
Enable/Disable FP arms alignement to surface while swimming
Swimming backwards speed mul.
Swimming Non-Speed sprint speed mul.
Swimming sideways speed mul.
Swimming vertical speed mul.
Enable/Disable auto switch to third person on kill in multiplayer
Time in seconds it takes to scan a interest point object using the visor.
Time in seconds it takes to scan a interest point object using the visor, for MP.
Time in seconds it takes to tag a interest point object using the visor.
Time in seconds it takes to Tag a interest point object using the visor, for MP.
String for Talos system
Targeting Assistance: Enable debugging of current target.
hold time to pick up an item
Use velocity based interpolation method with gravity adjustment
Interpolation air motion damping factor (0-1)
Set to true to continually snap the remote player to the desired position, for debug usage only
Percentage of velocity to apply tangentally to the current velocity, used to reduce oscillation
Velocity interp jump velocity synching
Follow an entity, by name
Max radius for follow cam from target
Min radius for follow cam from target
Vertical offset on entity to follow
Enables debug watch info for any active projectile aim assist
0=Off, 1=Display state of local player, 2=Display state of all players (including AI)