FEATURE TESTER: Turn on debug drawing of code checkpoints. 1 = watched checkpoints only. 2 = unwatched only. 3 = both with watched higher priority. 4 = both equal prioirity
FEATURE TEST: Only print out checkpoints with less than this number of hits
FEATURE TEST: Only print out checkpoints with more than this number of hit
FEATURE TESTER: Max number of code checkpoints to output
FEATURE TESTER: Max number of code checkpoints to output
FEATURE TESTER: Search for code checkpoints that have been encountered by substring
FEATURE TESTER: Load a feature tester data file
FEATURE TESTER: Force run of the provided test (even if it's not ready)
FEATURE TESTER: Run all enabled map feature tests
FEATURE TESTER: Reload current feature tester data file
FEATURE TESTER: Run all enabled feature tests
FEATURE TESTER: When non-zero, a screenshot will be saved whenever a feature test fails
FEATURE TESTER: Start a feature test