enum eDeferredLightType { eDLT_DeferredLight = 0, eDLT_NumShadowCastingLights = eDLT_DeferredLight+1, eDLT_DeferredCubemap = eDLT_NumShadowCastingLights, eDLT_DeferredAmbientLight, eDLT_NumLightTypes };
Members |
Description |
eDLT_DeferredCubemap = eDLT_NumShadowCastingLights |
these lights cannot cast shadows |
Enum for types of deferred lights
Flags used in DrawText function.
enum EDrawTextFlags { eDrawText_Center = BIT(0), eDrawText_Right = BIT(1), eDrawText_CenterV = BIT(2), eDrawText_Bottom = BIT(3), eDrawText_2D = BIT(4), eDrawText_FixedSize = BIT(5), eDrawText_800x600 = BIT(6), eDrawText_Monospace = BIT(7), eDrawText_Framed = BIT(8), eDrawText_DepthTest = BIT(9), eDrawText_IgnoreOverscan = BIT(10) };
Members |
Description |
eDrawText_Center = BIT(0) |
centered alignment, otherwise right or left |
eDrawText_Right = BIT(1) |
right alignment, otherwise center or left |
eDrawText_CenterV = BIT(2) |
center vertically, oterhwise top |
eDrawText_Bottom = BIT(3) |
bottom alignment |
eDrawText_2D = BIT(4) |
3 component vector is used for xy screen position, otherwise it's 3d world space position |
eDrawText_FixedSize = BIT(5) |
font size is defined in the actual pixel resolution, otherwise it's in the virtual 800x600 |
eDrawText_800x600 = BIT(6) |
position are specified in the virtual 800x600 resolution, otherwise coordinates are in pixels |
eDrawText_Monospace = BIT(7) |
non proportional font rendering (Font width is same for all characters) |
eDrawText_Framed = BIT(8) |
draw a transparent, rectangular frame behind the text to ease readability independent from the background |
eDrawText_DepthTest = BIT(9) |
text should be occluded by world geometry using the depth buffer |
eDrawText_IgnoreOverscan = BIT(10) |
ignore the overscan borders, text should be drawn at the location specified |
Text must be fixed pixel size.
enum ERB_Type { eRB_BackBuffer, eRB_FrontBuffer, eRB_ShadowBuffer };
Read FrameBuffer type
enum ERenderPipelineProfilerStats { eRPPSTATS_OverallFrame = 0, eRPPSTATS_SceneRecursion, eRPPSTATS_SceneShadows, eRPPSTATS_SceneZPass, eRPPSTATS_SceneOpaque, eRPPSTATS_SceneTransparent, eRPPSTATS_RecursiveOpaque, eRPPSTATS_RecursiveTransparent, eRPPSTATS_ShadowMaps, eRPPSTATS_ShadowMask, eRPPSTATS_DeferredProcessing, eRPPSTATS_DeferredShading, eRPPSTATS_DeferredCubemaps, eRPPSTATS_DeferredLights, eRPPSTATS_DeferredDecals, eRPPSTATS_HDRPostProcessing, eRPPSTATS_PostProcessing, eRPPSTATS_ZCullReload, eRPPSTATS_CoverageBuffer, eRPPSTATS_AmbientPass, eRPPSTATS_SSAOGen, eRPPSTATS_SSAOApply, eRPPSTATS_SSDO, eRPPSTATS_SSREFL, eRPPSTATS_GI, eRPPSTATS_Caustics, eRPPSTATS_Fog, eRPPSTATS_Rain, eRPPSTATS_LensOptics, RPPSTATS_NUM };
enum ERenderQueryTypes { EFQ_DeleteMemoryArrayPtr = 1, EFQ_DeleteMemoryPtr, EFQ_GetShaderCombinations, EFQ_SetShaderCombinations, EFQ_CloseShaderCombinations, EFQ_MainThreadList, EFQ_RenderThreadList, EFQ_RenderMultithreaded, EFQ_RecurseLevel, EFQ_IncrementFrameID, EFQ_DeviceLost, EFQ_LightSource, EFQ_Alloc_APITextures, EFQ_Alloc_APIMesh, EFQ_Alloc_Mesh_SysMem, EFQ_Mesh_Count, EFQ_HDRModeEnabled, EFQ_ParticlesTessellation, EFQ_WaterTessellation, EFQ_GetShadowPoolFrustumsNum, EFQ_GetShadowPoolAllocThisFrameNum, EFQ_GetShadowMaskChannelsNum, EFQ_GetAllTextures, EFQ_GetAllTexturesRelease, EFQ_GetAllMeshes, EFQ_MultiGPUEnabled, EFQ_SetDrawNearFov, EFQ_GetDrawNearFov, EFQ_TextureStreamingEnabled, EFQ_MSAAEnabled, EFQ_AAMode, EFQ_PS3_Resource_Stats, EFQ_Fullscreen, EFQ_GetTexStreamingInfo, EFQ_GetMeshPoolInfo, EFQ_sLinearSpaceShadingEnabled, EFQ_OverscanBorders, EFQ_NumActivePostEffects, EFQ_TexturesPoolSize, EFQ_RenderTargetPoolSize, EFQ_GetShaderCacheInfo, EFQ_GetFogCullDistance, EFQ_GetMaxRenderObjectsNum, EFQ_IsRenderLoadingThreadActive, EFQ_GetParticleVertexBufferSize, EFQ_GetParticleIndexBufferSize, EFQ_GetMaxParticleContainer, EFQ_GetSkinningDataPoolSize, EFQ_SetDynTexSourceLayerInfo, EFQ_SetDynTexSourceSharedRTDim, EFQ_GetViewportDownscaleFactor };
Members |
Description |
EFQ_Alloc_Mesh_SysMem |
Memory allocated by meshes in system memory. |
EFQ_GetAllTextures |
Query will return all textures in the renderer, pass pointer to an SRendererQueryGetAllTexturesParam instance |
EFQ_GetAllTexturesRelease |
Release resources allocated by GetAllTextures query pass pointer to an SRendererQueryGetAllTexturesParam instance, populated by EFQ_GetAllTextures |
EFQ_GetAllMeshes |
Query will return all IRenderMesh objects in the renderer, Pass an array pointer to be allocated and filled with the IRendermesh pointers. The calling function is responsible for freeing this memory. This was originally a two pass process, but proved to be non-thread-safe, leading to buffer overruns and underruns. |
EFQ_MultiGPUEnabled |
Multigpu (crossfire/sli) is enabled. |
EFQ_PS3_Resource_Stats |
Pointer to struct with PS3 lowlevel render-api usage stats. |
EFQ_sLinearSpaceShadingEnabled |
True when shading is done in linear space, de-gamma on texture lookup, gamma on frame buffer writing (sRGB), false otherwise. |
EFQ_OverscanBorders |
The percentages of overscan borders for left/right and top/bottom to adjust the title safe area. |
EFQ_NumActivePostEffects |
Get num active post effects |
EFQ_TexturesPoolSize |
Get size of textures memory pool |
Query types for CryInd editor (used in EF_Query() function).
enum ERenderType { eRT_Undefined, eRT_Null, eRT_DX9, eRT_DX11, eRT_XboxOne, eRT_PS4 };
enum EScreenAspectRatio { eAspect_Unknown, eAspect_4_3, eAspect_16_9, eAspect_16_10 };
enum EVertexFormat { eVF_Unknown = 0, eVF_P3F_C4B_T2F = 1, eVF_P3S_C4B_T2S = 2, eVF_P3S_N4B_C4B_T2S = 3, eVF_P3F_C4B_T4B_N3F2 = 4, eVF_TP3F_C4B_T2F = 5, eVF_TP3F_T2F_T3F = 6, eVF_P3F_T3F = 7, eVF_P3F_T2F_T3F = 8, eVF_T2F = 9, eVF_W4B_I4B = 10, eVF_C4B_C4B = 11, eVF_P3F_P3F_I4B = 12, eVF_P3F = 13, eVF_C4B_T2S = 14, eVF_P2F_T4F_C4F = 15, eVF_P2F_T4F_T4F_C4F = 16, eVF_P2S_N4B_C4B_T1F = 17, eVF_P3F_C4B_T2S = 18, eVF_Max };
Members |
Description |
eVF_P3F_C4B_T2F = 1 |
Base stream |
eVF_P3F_C4B_T4B_N3F2 = 4 |
Particles. |
eVF_TP3F_C4B_T2F = 5 |
Fonts (28 bytes). |
eVF_TP3F_T2F_T3F = 6 |
Miscellaneus. |
eVF_P3F_T3F = 7 |
Miscellaneus. |
eVF_P3F_T2F_T3F = 8 |
Miscellaneus. |
eVF_T2F = 9 |
Light maps TC (8 bytes). |
eVF_W4B_I4B = 10 |
Skinned weights/indices stream. |
eVF_C4B_C4B = 11 |
SH coefficients. |
eVF_P3F_P3F_I4B = 12 |
Shape deformation stream. |
eVF_P3F = 13 |
Velocity stream. |
eVF_C4B_T2S = 14 |
General (Position is merged with Tangent stream) |
eVF_P2F_T4F_C4F = 15 |
primary |
enum PublicRenderPrimitiveType { prtTriangleList, prtTriangleStrip, prtLineList, prtLineStrip };
All possible primitive types