enum EAnimCurveType { eAnimCurveType_TCBFloat = 1, eAnimCurveType_TCBVector = 2, eAnimCurveType_TCBQuat = 3, eAnimCurveType_BezierFloat = 4, eAnimCurveType_Unknown = 0xFFFFFFFF };
! Types of animation track. Do not change values! they are serialized
Attention: This should only be expanded if you add a completely new way how tracks store data! If you just want to control a new parameter of an entity etc. extend EParamType
TCB splines are only for backward compatibility, Bezier is the default
enum EAnimNodeFlags { eAnimNodeFlags_Expanded = BIT(0), eAnimNodeFlags_EntitySelected = BIT(1), eAnimNodeFlags_CanChangeName = BIT(2), eAnimNodeFlags_Disabled = BIT(3) };
Members |
Description |
eAnimNodeFlags_Expanded = BIT(0) |
!< Deprecated, handled by sandbox now |
eAnimNodeFlags_EntitySelected = BIT(1) |
!< Set if the referenced entity is selected in the editor |
eAnimNodeFlags_CanChangeName = BIT(2) |
!< Set if this node allow changing of its name. |
eAnimNodeFlags_Disabled = BIT(3) |
!< Disable this node. |
! Flags that can be set on animation node.
enum EAnimNodeType { eAnimNodeType_Invalid = 0x00, eAnimNodeType_Entity = 0x01, eAnimNodeType_Director = 0x02, eAnimNodeType_Camera = 0x03, eAnimNodeType_CVar = 0x04, eAnimNodeType_ScriptVar = 0x05, eAnimNodeType_Material = 0x06, eAnimNodeType_Event = 0x07, eAnimNodeType_Group = 0x08, eAnimNodeType_Layer = 0x09, eAnimNodeType_Comment = 0x10, eAnimNodeType_RadialBlur = 0x11, eAnimNodeType_ColorCorrection = 0x12, eAnimNodeType_DepthOfField = 0x13, eAnimNodeType_ScreenFader = 0x14, eAnimNodeType_Light = 0x15, eAnimNodeType_HDRSetup = 0x16, eAnimNodeType_ShadowSetup = 0x17, eAnimNodeType_Alembic = 0x18, eAnimNodeType_GeomCache = 0x19, eAnimNodeType_Environment, eAnimNodeType_ScreenDropsSetup };
Members |
Description |
eAnimNodeType_Alembic = 0x18 |
Used in cinebox, added so nobody uses that number |
! Node-Types
You need to register new types in Movie.cpp/RegisterNodeTypes for serialization.
Enums are serialized by string now, there is no need for specific IDs anymore for new parameters. Values are for backward compatibility.
enum EAnimParamType { eAnimParamType_ByString = 8, eAnimParamType_FOV = 0, eAnimParamType_Position = 1, eAnimParamType_Rotation = 2, eAnimParamType_Scale = 3, eAnimParamType_Event = 4, eAnimParamType_Visibility = 5, eAnimParamType_Camera = 6, eAnimParamType_Animation = 7, eAnimParamType_Sound = 10, eAnimParamType_Sequence = 13, eAnimParamType_Expression = 14, eAnimParamType_Console = 17, eAnimParamType_Music = 18, eAnimParamType_Float = 19, eAnimParamType_FaceSequence = 20, eAnimParamType_LookAt = 21, eAnimParamType_TrackEvent = 22, eAnimParamType_ShakeAmplitudeA = 23, eAnimParamType_ShakeAmplitudeB = 24, eAnimParamType_ShakeFrequencyA = 25, eAnimParamType_ShakeFrequencyB = 26, eAnimParamType_ShakeMultiplier = 27, eAnimParamType_ShakeNoise = 28, eAnimParamType_ShakeWorking = 29, eAnimParamType_ShakeAmpAMult = 61, eAnimParamType_ShakeAmpBMult = 62, eAnimParamType_ShakeFreqAMult = 63, eAnimParamType_ShakeFreqBMult = 64, eAnimParamType_DepthOfField = 30, eAnimParamType_FocusDistance = 31, eAnimParamType_FocusRange = 32, eAnimParamType_BlurAmount = 33, eAnimParamType_Capture = 34, eAnimParamType_TransformNoise = 35, eAnimParamType_TimeWarp = 36, eAnimParamType_FixedTimeStep = 37, eAnimParamType_NearZ = 38, eAnimParamType_Goto = 39, eAnimParamType_PositionX = 51, eAnimParamType_PositionY = 52, eAnimParamType_PositionZ = 53, eAnimParamType_RotationX = 54, eAnimParamType_RotationY = 55, eAnimParamType_RotationZ = 56, eAnimParamType_ScaleX = 57, eAnimParamType_ScaleY = 58, eAnimParamType_ScaleZ = 59, eAnimParamType_ColorR = 82, eAnimParamType_ColorG = 83, eAnimParamType_ColorB = 84, eAnimParamType_CommentText = 70, eAnimParamType_ScreenFader = 71, eAnimParamType_LightDiffuse = 81, eAnimParamType_LightRadius = 85, eAnimParamType_LightDiffuseMult = 86, eAnimParamType_LightHDRDynamic = 87, eAnimParamType_LightSpecularMult = 88, eAnimParamType_LightSpecPercentage = 89, eAnimParamType_MaterialDiffuse = 90, eAnimParamType_Material_Specular = 91, eAnimParamType_MaterialEmission = 92, eAnimParamType_MaterialOpacity = 93, eAnimParamType_MaterialGlossiness = 94, eAnimParamType_TimeRanges = 95, eAnimParamType_Physics = 96, eAnimParamType_ProceduralEyes = 97, eAnimParamType_Mannequin = 98, eAnimParamType_GameCameraInfluence, eAnimParamType_GSMCache, eAnimParamType_ShutterSpeed, eAnimParamType_Physicalize, eAnimParamType_PhysicsDriven, eAnimParamType_SunLongitude, eAnimParamType_SunLatitude, eAnimParamType_MoonLongitude, eAnimParamType_MoonLatitude, eAnimParamType_User = 100000, eAnimParamType_Invalid = 0xFFFFFFFF };
Members |
Description |
eAnimParamType_ByString = 8 |
Parameter is specified by string. See CAnimParamType |
eAnimParamType_TimeRanges = 95 |
!< Generic track with keys that have time ranges |
eAnimParamType_Physics = 96 |
! Not used anymore, see Physicalize & PhysicsDriven |
eAnimParamType_Mannequin = 98 |
!< Mannequin parameter. |
eAnimParamType_GameCameraInfluence |
Add new param types without explicit ID here: |
eAnimParamType_User = 100000 |
!< User node params. |
Static common parameters IDs of animation node.
You need to register new params in Movie.cpp/RegisterParamTypes for serialization.
Enums are serialized by string now, there is no need for specific IDs anymore for new parameters. Values are for backward compatibility.
If you want to expand CryMovie to control new stuff this is probably the enum you want to change. For named params see eAnimParamType_ByString & CAnimParamType
enum EAnimValue { eAnimValue_Float = 0, eAnimValue_Vector = 1, eAnimValue_Quat = 2, eAnimValue_Bool = 3, eAnimValue_Select = 5, eAnimValue_Vector4 = 15, eAnimValue_DiscreteFloat = 16, eAnimValue_RGB = 20, eAnimValue_CharacterAnim = 21, eAnimValue_Unknown = 0xFFFFFFFF };
! Values that animation track can hold. Do not change values! they are serialized
Attention: This should only be expanded if you add a completely new value type that tracks can control! If you just want to control a new parameter of an entity etc. extend EParamType
If the param type of a track is known and valid these can be derived from the node. These are serialized in case the parameter got invalid (for example for material nodes)
enum ENodeExportType { eNodeExportType_Global = 0, eNodeExportType_Local = 1 };
enum ETrackMask { eTrackMask_MaskSound = 1<<11, eTrackMask_MaskMusic = 1<<14 };
Members |
Description |
eTrackMask_MaskSound = 1<<11 |
Old: 1 << ATRACK_SOUND |
eTrackMask_MaskMusic = 1<<14 |
Old: 1 << ATRACK_MUSIC |