Data Groups


This list covers the available information that can be accessed via Statoscope by enabling the appropriate data groups.

They are Case Sensitive so make sure to add the correct group.

Make sure you've read how to add data groups: Logging Data in Statoscope.

Lower case

streaming audio 'a'

  • bandwidthActual MB/s
  • bandwidthRequested MB/s
  • afcmUsage KB

dev buffer 'b'

  • written_kb
  • read_kb
  • creation_time
  • io_time
  • cpu_flush
  • gpu_flush
  • cb

per-cgf gpu profilers 'c'

  • totalDrawCallCount
  • numInstances

network profile 'd'

  • name
  • totalBits
  • seqBits
  • rmiBits
  • calls

ef_lists 'e'

  • timeInvalid
  • timePreProcess
  • timeGeneral
  • timeTerrainLayer
  • timeShadowGen
  • timeDecal
  • timeWaterVolumes
  • timeTransparent
  • timeWater
  • timeHDRPostProcess
  • timeAfterHDRPostProcess
  • timePostProcess
  • timeAfterPostProcess
  • timeShadowPass
  • timeRefractPass
  • timeDeferredPostProcess
  • timeSkin
  • timeHalfResParticles
  • sumTimeEFList

frame lengths 'f'

  • frameLengthInMS

graphics 'g'

  • GPUUsageInPercent
  • GPUFrameLengthInMS
  • numTris
  • numDrawCalls
  • numShadowDrawCalls
  • numGeneralDrawCalls
  • numTransparentDrawCalls
  • numTotalDrawCalls
  • numDrawCallsRejectedByConditionalRendering
  • numPostEffects
  • numForwardLights
  • numForwardShadowCastingLights
  • numSpriteDIPS
  • numSpriteUpdates
  • numDoubleSizedSprites
  • spriteAtlasSize
  • spriteAtlasRequirement
  • numSpritePolys
  • maxDiffPtrKb
  • maxDiffPtrTangKb
  • maxRendIndicesKb

SPU Profilers 'h'

  • name
  • timeMS
  • numCalls

GPU Times 'i'

  • Scene
  • SceneRSXProfWait
  • Shadows
  • ZPass
  • DeferredDecals
  • DeferredLighting
  • Ambient
  • Cubemaps
  • Lights
  • Opaque
  • Transparent
  • Fog
  • HDR
  • PostFX

CPU Times 'j'

  • physTime
  • particleTime
  • particleSyncTime
  • particleNumEmitters
  • animTime
  • animNumCharacters
  • aiTime
  • flashTime

callstacks 'k'

  • tag
  • callstack

location 'l'

  • posx
  • posy
  • posz
  • rotx
  • roty
  • rotz

memory 'm'

  • mainMemUsageInMB
  • vidMemUsageInMB

network 'n'

  • TotalBandwidthSent
  • TotalBandwidthRecvd
  • TotalPacketsSent
  • LobbyBandwidthSent
  • LobbyPacketsSent
  • SeqBandwidthSent
  • SeqPacketsSent
  • FragmentedBandwidthSent
  • FragmentedPacketsSent
  • OtherBandwidthSent
  • OtherPacketsSent

streaming objects 'o'

  • bandwidthActual MB/s
  • bandwidthRequested MB/s

particles 'p'

  • numParticlesRendered
  • numParticlesActive
  • numParticlesAllocated
  • numParticlesRequested
  • particleScreenFractionRendered
  • particleScreenFractionProcessed
  • numEmittersRendered
  • numEmittersActive
  • numEmittersAllocated
  • numParticlesReiterated
  • numParticlesRejected
  • numParticlesCollideTest
  • numParticlesCollideHit
  • numParticlesClipped

performance counters 'q'

  • lhsCount
  • iCacheMissCount

frame profilers 'r'

  • name
  • count
  • selfTimeInMS

streaming 's'

  • cgfStreamingMemUsedInMB
  • cgfStreamingMemRequiredInMB
  • numActiveTextureNodes

threading 't'

  • MTLoadInMS
  • MTWaitingForRTInMS
  • RTLoadInMS
  • RTWaitingForMTInMS
  • RTWaitingForGPUInMS
  • RTFrameLengthInMS
  • RTSceneDrawningLengthInMS

user markers 'u'

  • path
  • name

Vertex data 'v'

  • StaticPolyCountZ
  • SkinnedPolyCountZ
  • VegetationPolyCountZ

PhysEntities 'w'

  • name
  • time
  • nCalls
  • x
  • y
  • z

streaming textures 'x'

  • bandwidthActual MB/s
  • bandwidthRequested MB/s
  • numUpdated Ups/s
  • numRequested Req/s
  • numRendered UpsRen/s
  • poolMemUsed MB
  • poolMemWanted MB

ParticlesColliding 'y'

  • name
  • count

channel 'z'

  • name
  • BandwidthSent
  • BandwidthRecvd
  • PacketRate
  • MaxPacketSize
  • IdealPacketSize
  • SparePacketSize
  • UsedPacketSize
  • SentMessages
  • UnsentMessages
  • UrgentRMIs (if ENABLE_URGENT_RMIS is defined)
  • Ping

Upper case

art profile 'A'

  • GPU
    • ShadowsMS
    • ZPassMS
    • DecalsMS
    • LightingMS
    • OpaqueMS
    • TransparentMS
    • totalMS
    • Detail
      • Lights
        • AmbientMS
        • CubemapsMS
        • DeferredMS
      • ShadowMapsMS
      • ReflectionsMS
      • CausticsMS
      • RefractionOverheadMS
  • Budgets
    • GPU
      • ShadowsMS
      • ZPassMS
      • DecalsMS
      • LightingMS
      • OpaqueMS
      • TransparentMS
      • totalMS
  • numBatches
  • numDrawcalls
  • numLightingDrawcalls
  • numRSXStallReleases (if ENABLE_ACCURATE_RSX_PROFILING is defined)

Texture Information 'S'

  • TexStrm
    • engineassets
      • texturemsg
      • codecoverage
    • textures
      • defaults
      • decals
      • sprites
      • etc...
    • objects
      • props
      • vehicles
      • architecture
      • etc...

system threading 'T'

  • MTLoadInMS
  • RTLoadInMS
  • otherLoadInMS
  • sysIdle0InMS
  • sysIdle1InMS
  • sysIdleTotalInMS
  • totalLoadInMS
  • timeFrameInMS

Individual Worker Information 'W'

  • BackendType
    • WorkerId
      • SamplePeriodInMS
      • ExecutionTimeInMS
      • IdleTimeInMS
      • UtilPerc
      • NumJobs

Summarizes Worker Information 'X'

  • BackendType
    • SamplePeriodInMS
    • ActiveWorkers
    • AvgUtilPerc
    • TotalExecutionPeriodeInMS
    • TotalNumberOfJobsExecuted

Individual Job Information 'Y'

  • BackendType
    • JobName
      • ExecutionTimeInMS
      • NumberOfExecutions

Summarized Job Information 'Z'

  • BackendType
    • TotalExecutionTimeInMS
    • TotalNumberOfJobsExecuted
    • TotalNumberOfIndividualJobsExecuted


Lower case

streaming objects 'o'

  • filename
  • stage

streaming 's'

  • filename
  • stage
  • priority
  • source
  • perceptualImportance
  • sortKey
  • compressedSize

streaming textures 't'

  • filename
  • minMipWanted
  • minMipAvailable
  • inUse