This article will run through the steps of connecting to Statoscope.
Statoscope will connect to any console / platform that is connected directly to the PC or via an IP address specified in the connection dialog.
In 3.6.3 & below
If you chose e_StatoscopeLogDestination = 0 The session file is stored in the location: BuildRoot\statoscope\*.bin
As of 3.6.4
If you chose e_StatoscopeLogDestination = 0 The session file is stored in the location: BuildRoot\user\statoscope\*.bin
You can open logs in a few different ways:
Each log opens a new tab. When you open a log that has been recorded across several levels with the user marker data group enabled ('u'), each level is also opened in its own tab (this is based on level start and end user markers).
Middle click on a tab to close it.
By default, every stat will be drawn, which is usually far too many to be useful at once, so the first thing to do is often to trim the view down to what you want.
From File -> Connect you can connect to a running version of the game whose e_StatoscopeLogDestination is set to 1.
Choose the target platform you want to connect to.
If Log to file is enabled you will be given the option of saving the log to disk for opening later.
A slight limitation at the moment is that you must have enabled at least one data group before connecting. You can change data groups on the fly once connected.
If for any reason the connection fails, you can reset it by setting e_StatoscopeLogDestination to a different value (e.g. 2) and then back to 1 again, and then reconnect.
Here's what you'll typically see when opening Statoscope:
This is the default view with everything enabled, & the entire log fit to screen.
From here, you can start turning off the un-needed data groups and zooming out the display to make the graph more readable.
In the main graph window: