WAF Branch Spec (waf_branch_spec.py)

The waf_branch_spec.py is the top most configuration level of the Cry WAF Build System.
It specifies which platforms and configurations are available for all projects and specs.

File Layout

## Recode Settings
RECODE_LICENSE_KEY = 'Your-recode-key'

## Build Layout

## Build Configuration
COMPANY_NAME   = 'My Company Name'
COPYRIGHT      = 'Copyright Info ... (C) 2015 My Company Name'

## Supported branch platforms/configurations
## This is a map of host -> target platforms
    'darwin':   [ 'darwin_x64' ],
    'win32' :   [ 'win_x86', 'win_x64', 'durango', 'orbis' ],
    'linux' :   [ 'linux_x86_gcc', 'linux_x64_gcc', 'linux_x86_clang', 'linux_x64_clang' ]
## A list of build configurations to generate for each supported platform    
CONFIGURATIONS = [ 'debug', 'profile', 'performance', 'release' ]



If you have a valid recode license, your license key should go here. WAF will create the necessary recode.lic file for you. See WAF with Recode for more information.


The folder where WAF should store all temporary data. Relative to CryEngine SDK root directory.


Company name to be embedded into executable.

Copyright info to be embedded into executable


Specifies the supported target build platforms for a given host platform.

Current host platforms:

  • darwin
  • win32 (also includes win64) (name subjected to change as confusing)
  • linux

For a list of target platform list, see WAF Supported Platforms.


Specifies the supported configurations, see WAF Supported Project Configurations for a list of all supported configurations.