RMIs are either sent by the function InvokeRMI, or if the RMI is dependent on another entity, by the function InvokeRMIWithDependentObject. InvokeRMIWithDependentObject is used to delay an RMI until the dependent object is known or updated to a specific state on the target machine.
For example, if a new entity is being spawned and an RMI is called on another entity with this new entities ID as a parameter, the network system will wait until the remote machine knows about the new entity and then send the RMI.
In file IGameObject.h, there are macros for declaring RMI classes (e.g. DECLARE_SERVER_RMI_...). The following different declaration types exist:
In order to forward RMI's to specific clients only, InvokeRMI can be called with the flag ERMInvocation::eRMI_ToClientChannel.
The ordering for RMI's is only applicable within the object and attachment type set.
For example:
Assuming all are ordered, it is ensured that PLAYER RMI 1-3 will arrive in that order, but ITEM RMI 1 may arrive before or after the PLAYER RMIs.
Things are complicated further with PREATTACH, NOATTACH and POSTATTACH.
The following functions in the CGameObject interface should be used to invoke an RMI call.
void InvokeRMI( const MI method, const T& params, unsigned where, int channel = -1 );
void InvokeRMIWithDependentObject( const MI method, const T& params, unsigned where, EntityId ent, int channel = -1 );
The InvokeRMIWithDependentObject() function will guarantees that a given entity exists on the other end. It can be used for messages involving multiple entities (i.e. Invoke a player RMI to pick up an item).
The where parameter should be one of the following flags.
Server RMIs
To define a function to be implemented as RMI, the IMPLEMENT_RMI #define from IGameObject.h should be used.
#define IMPLEMENT_RMI(cls, name)
The following example implements a new function called ClEMP in the CPlayer class:
SNanoSuitEvent suitEvent;
suitEvent.event = eNanoSuitEvent_EMP_DISCHARGE;
suitEvent.fParam = params.time; // params == EMPParams
return true; // Always return true - false will drop connection
The following line will invoke the function:
pPlayer->GetGameObject()->InvokeRMI(CPlayer::ClEMP(), CPlayer::EMPParams(time), eRMI_ToClientChannel, pPlayer->GetChannelId());