The editor supports typed properties where the type is derived from special prefixes in the property name. For a complete list of supported prefixes, refer to the s_paramTypes array defined in Objects/EntityScript.cpp
in the Editor solution. This array maps prefixes to variable types.
The following is the list of prefixes supported by CryENGINE 3.0.0:
{ "n", IVariable::INT, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE, SCRIPTPARAM_POSITIVE },
{ "i", IVariable::INT, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE,0 },
{ "b", IVariable::BOOL, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE,0 },
{ "f", IVariable::FLOAT, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE,0 },
{ "s", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE,0 },
{ "ei", IVariable::INT, IVariable::DT_UIENUM,0 },
{ "es", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_UIENUM,0 },
{ "shader", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SHADER,0 },
{ "clr", IVariable::VECTOR, IVariable::DT_COLOR,0 },
{ "color", IVariable::VECTOR, IVariable::DT_COLOR,0 },
{ "vector", IVariable::VECTOR, IVariable::DT_SIMPLE,0 },
{ "snd", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOUND,0 },
{ "sound", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOUND,0 },
{ "dialog", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_DIALOG,0 },
{ "tex", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_TEXTURE,0 },
{ "texture", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_TEXTURE,0 },
{ "obj", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_OBJECT,0 },
{ "object", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_OBJECT,0 },
{ "file", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_FILE,0 },
{ "aibehavior", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AI_BEHAVIOR,0 },
{ "aicharacter", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AI_CHARACTER,0 },
{ "aipfpropertieslist", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AI_PFPROPERTIESLIST,0 },
{ "aiterritory", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AITERRITORY,0 },
{ "aiwave", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AIWAVE,0 },
{ "text", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_LOCAL_STRING,0 },
{ "equip", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_EQUIP,0 },
{ "reverbpreset", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_REVERBPRESET,0 },
{ "eaxpreset", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_REVERBPRESET,0 },
{ "aianchor", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_AI_ANCHOR,0 },
{ "soclass", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOCLASS,0 },
{ "soclasses", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOCLASSES,0 },
{ "sostate", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOSTATE,0 },
{ "sostates", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOSTATES,0 },
{ "sopattern", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOSTATEPATTERN,0 },
{ "soaction", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOACTION,0 },
{ "sohelper", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOHELPER,0 },
{ "sonavhelper", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SONAVHELPER,0 },
{ "soanimhelper", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOANIMHELPER,0 },
{ "soevent", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOEVENT,0 },
{ "sotemplate", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SOTEMPLATE,0 },
{ "gametoken", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_GAMETOKEN, 0 },
{ "seq_", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_SEQUENCE, 0 },
{ "mission_", IVariable::STRING, IVariable::DT_MISSIONOBJ, 0 },