Flash UI Lua functions


You find all UIAction related Lua function in: \Code\CryEngine\CryAction\FlashUI\ScriptBind_UIAction.h

  // <title ReloadElement>
  // Syntax: UIAction.ReloadElement(const char * elementName, int instanceID )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  // Description:
  //    Reloads the UI flash asset.
  int ReloadElement( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID );
  // <title UnloadElement>
  // Syntax: UIAction.UnloadElement(const char * elementName, int instanceID )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  // Description:
  //    Unloads the UI flash asset.
  int UnloadElement( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID );
  // <title ShowElement>
  // Syntax: UIAction.ShowElement(const char * elementName, int instanceID )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  // Description:
  //    Displays the UI flash asset.
  int ShowElement( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID );
  // <title HideElement>
  // Syntax: UIAction.HideElement(const char * elementName, int instanceID )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  // Description:
  //    Hide the UI flash asset.
  int HideElement( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID );
  // <title SoftHideElement>
  // Syntax: UIAction.RequestHide(const char * elementName, int instanceID )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  // Description:
  //    Send the fade out signal to the UI flash asset.
  int RequestHide( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID );
  // <title CallFunction>
  // Syntax: UIAction.CallFunction(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char* functionName, [arg1], [arg2], [...] )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml or UIEventSystem name as defined via cpp.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances. If used on UIEventSystem no instance id is ignored
  //    functionName - Function or event name.
  //    args - List of arguments (optional)
  // Description:
  //    Calls a function of the UI flash asset or the UIEventSystem.
  int CallFunction( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char* functionName );
  // <title SetVariable>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetVariable(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * varName, value )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    varName - Variable name as defined in the xml.
  //    value - Value to set.
  // Description:
  //    Sets a variable of the UI flash asset.
  int SetVariable( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * varName );
  // <title GetVariable>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetVariable(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * varName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    varName - Variable name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Gets a variable of the UI flash asset.
  int GetVariable( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * varName );
  // <title SetArray>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetArray(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * arrayName, SmartScriptTable values )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    arrayName - Array name as defined in the xml.
  //    values - Table of values for the array.
  // Description:
  //    Sets an array of the UI flash asset.
  int SetArray( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * arrayName, SmartScriptTable values );
  // <title GetArray>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetArray(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * arrayName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    arrayName - Array name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Returns a table with values of the array.
  int GetArray( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * arrayName );
  // <title GotoAndPlay>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GotoAndPlay(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, int frameNum )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    frameNum - frame number.
  // Description:
  //    Call GotoAndPlay on a MovieClip.
  int GotoAndPlay( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, int frameNum );
  // <title GotoAndStop>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GotoAndStop(const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, int frameNum )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    frameNum - frame number.
  // Description:
  //    Call GotoAndStop on a MovieClip.
  int GotoAndStop( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, int frameNum );
  // <title GotoAndPlayFrameName>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GotoAndPlayFrameName( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, const char * frameName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    frameName - frame name.
  // Description:
  //    Call GotoAndPlay on a MovieClip by frame name.
  int GotoAndPlayFrameName( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, const char * frameName );
  // <title GotoAndStopFrameName>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GotoAndStopFrameName( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, const char * frameName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    frameName - frame name.
  // Description:
  //    Call GotoAndStop on a MovieClip by frame name.
  int GotoAndStopFrameName( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, const char * frameName );
  // <title SetAlpha>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetAlpha( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, float fAlpha )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    fAlpha - alpha value (0-1).
  // Description:
  //    Set MovieClip alpha value.
  int SetAlpha( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, float fAlpha );
  // <title GetAlpha>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetAlpha( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Get MovieClip alpha value.
  int GetAlpha( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName );
  // <title SetVisible>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetVisible( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, float bVisible )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    bVisible - visible.
  // Description:
  //    Set MovieClip visible state.
  int SetVisible( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, bool bVisible );
  // <title IsVisible>
  // Syntax: UIAction.IsVisible( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Get MovieClip visible state.
  int IsVisible( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName );
  // <title SetPos>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetPos( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vPos  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    vPos - position.
  // Description:
  //    Set MovieClip position.
  int SetPos( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vPos );
  // <title GetPos>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetPos( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Get MovieClip position.
  int GetPos( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName );
  // <title SetRotation>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetRotation( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vRotation  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    vRotation - rotation.
  // Description:
  //    Set MovieClip rotation.
  int SetRotation( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vRotation );
  // <title GetRotation>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetRotation( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Get MovieClip rotation.
  int GetRotation( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName );
  // <title SetScale>
  // Syntax: UIAction.SetScale( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vScale  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  //    vScale - scale.
  // Description:
  //    Set MovieClip scale.
  int SetScale( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName, Vec3 vScale );
  // <title GetScale>
  // Syntax: UIAction.GetScale( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName  )
  // Arguments:
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    mcName - MovieClip name as defined in the xml.
  // Description:
  //    Get MovieClip scale.
  int GetScale( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * mcName );
  // <title StartAction>
  // Syntax: UIAction.StartAction(const char * actionName, SmartScriptTable arguments )
  // Arguments:
  //    actionName - UI Action name.
  //    arguments - arguments to pass to this action.
  // Description:
  //    Starts an UI Action.
  int StartAction( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * actionName, SmartScriptTable arguments );
  // <title StartAction>
  // Syntax: UIAction.EndAction(SmartScriptTable table, bool disable, SmartScriptTable arguments )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - must be "self"
  //    disable - if true this action gets disabled on end.
  //    arguments - arguments to return from this action.
  // Description:
  //    Ends an UI Action. This can be only used withing a UIAction Lua script!
  int EndAction( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, bool disable, SmartScriptTable arguments );
  // <title EnableAction>
  // Syntax: UIAction.EnableAction(const char * actionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    actionName - UI Action name.
  // Description:
  //    Enables an UI Action.
  int EnableAction( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * actionName );
  // <title DisableAction>
  // Syntax: UIAction.DisableAction(const char * actionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    actionName - UI Action name.
  // Description:
  //    Disables an UI Action.
  int DisableAction( IFunctionHandler *pH, const char * actionName );
  // <title RegisterElementListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.RegisterElementListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * elementName, int instanceID, const char * eventName, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    elementName - UI Element name as defined in the xml.
  //    instanceID - ID of the instance (if instance with id does not exist, it will be created). '-1' for all instances
  //    eventName - Name of the event that is fired from the UI Element - if empty string it will receive all events!
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that will receive the callback.
  // Description:
  //    Register a callback function for an UIElement event.
  //    Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(elementName, instanceId, eventName, argTable)
  int RegisterElementListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* elementName, int instanceID, const char* eventName, const char* callback );
  // <title RegisterActionListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.RegisterActionListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * actionName, const char * eventName, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    actionName - UI Action name
  //    eventName - Name of the event that is fired from the UI Action (can be "OnStart" or "OnEnd") - if empty string it will receive all events!
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that will receive the callback.
  // Description:
  //    Register a callback function for an UIAction event.
  //    Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(actionName, eventName, argTable)
  int RegisterActionListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* actionName, const char* eventName, const char* callback );
  // <title RegisterEventSystemListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.RegisterEventSystemListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * eventSystem, const char * eventName, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    eventSystem - UI Event System name
  //    eventName - Name of the event that is fired from the UI EventSystem - if empty string it will receive all events!
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that will receive the callback.
  // Description:
  //    Register a callback function for an UIEventSystem event.
  //    Callback Function must have form: CallbackName(actionName, eventName, argTable)
  int RegisterEventSystemListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* eventSystem, const char* eventName, const char* callback );
  // <title UnregisterElementListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.UnregisterElementListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed
  // Description:
  //    Unregister callback functions for an UIElement event.
  int UnregisterElementListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* callback );
  // <title UnregisterActionListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.UnregisterActionListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed
  // Description:
  //    Unregister callback functions for an UIAction event.
  int UnregisterActionListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* callback );
  // <title UnregisterEventSystemListener>
  // Syntax: UIAction.UnregisterEventSystemListener(SmartScriptTable table, const char * callbackFunctionName )
  // Arguments:
  //    table - the script that receives the callback (can be "self" to refer the current script).
  //    callbackFunctionName - name of the script function that receives the callback. if "" all callbacks for this script will be removed
  // Description:
  //    Unregister callback functions for an UIEventSystem event.
  int UnregisterEventSystemListener( IFunctionHandler *pH, SmartScriptTable pTable, const char* callback );