UI Event System


The UI System comes with an event system, which can also be used to communicate between C++ and the UI flowgraph / actions.

The event system provides an easy way to define function and event nodes and handle them in C++.

Function nodes

Function nodes are available to all flowgraphs and provide an easy way to call C++ code.

Here are the steps to create them easy in code:

  • First you have to create the class that will handle the function node calls. Create a new .h file and name it UIFunctions.h
#ifndef __UIFunctions_H__
#define __UIFunctions_H__
#include <IFlashUI.h>
class CUIFunctions : public IUIEventListener
    // IUIEventListener
    virtual SUIArgumentsRet OnEvent( const SUIEvent& event );
  virtual void OnEventSystemDestroyed(IUIEventSystem* pEventSystem);
    // ~IUIEventListener
    SUIEventReceiverDispatcher<CUIFunctions> m_Dispatcher;
    IUIEventSystem* m_pGameEvents;
  // These are the functions, which will be linked to the separate flowgraph nodes
    void OnFoo( const SUIEvent& event ); 
    void OnBar( const SUIEvent& event );
  • Create a new .cpp file and name it UIFunctions.cpp. This is the file, which will contain the implementation of the functions.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "UIFunctions.h"
    : m_pGameEvents(NULL)
    if (gEnv->pFlashUI)
        // create a new event system called "Game"
        // type is eEST_UI_TO_SYSTEM; nodes for this event system will be found unter UI:Functions
        // register as event listener to the event system
        m_pGameEvents = gEnv->pFlashUI->CreateEventSystem( "Game", IUIEventSystem::eEST_UI_TO_SYSTEM );
     m_pGameEvents->RegisterListener( this, "UIFunctionsListener" );
        // create a new function description for "Foo"
        SUIEventDesc fooDesc( "Foo", "Foo", "Call a function named foo" );
        // add a parameter description "Arg1" to the function description
        fooDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg1", "Arg1", "First Arg" ) );
        // register the function description to the dispatcher
        m_Dispatcher.RegisterEvent( fooDesc, &CUIFunctions::OnFoo );
         // create another function description for "Bar"
        SUIEventDesc barDesc( "Bar", "Bar", "Call a function named bar" );
        barDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg1", "Arg1", "First Arg" ) );
        barDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg2", "Arg2", "Second Arg" ) );
        m_Dispatcher.RegisterEvent( barDesc, &CUIFunctions::OnBar );
    if( m_pGameEvents )
        m_pGameEvents->UnregisterListener( this );
SUIArgumentsRet CUIFunctions::OnEvent( const SUIEvent& event )
    // use the dispatcher to dipatch the event to the correct function
    return m_Dispatcher.Dispatch( this, event );
void CUIFunctions::OnEventSystemDestroyed(IUIEventSystem* pEventSystem)
  m_pGameEvents = NULL;

// This function will be called when a flowgraph triggers UI:Functions:Game:Foo
void CUIFunctions::OnFoo( const SUIEvent& event )
    int arg1 = 0;
    if ( !event.args.GetArg(0, arg1) )
        CryLogAlways("Foo: argument 1 has wrong type (should be int)");
    // do something

// This function will be called when a flowgraph triggers UI:Functions:Game:Bar
void CUIFunctions::OnBar( const SUIEvent& event )
    bool arg1 = false;
    float arg2 = 0;
    if ( !event.args.GetArg(0, arg1) )
        CryLogAlways("Foo: argument 1 has wrong type (should be bool)");
    if ( !event.args.GetArg(1, arg2) )
        CryLogAlways("Foo: argument 2 has wrong type (should be float)");
    // do something
  • The next step is to create an instance of that class and let the engine know about it. Open Game.h, forward declare your class and add a private member to CGame:
#ifndef __GAME_H__
#define __GAME_H__
class CUIFunctions;
class CGame :
  public IGame, public IGameFrameworkListener, public ILevelSystemListener
   CUIFunctions* m_pUIFunctions;
  • Open Game.cpp init m_pUIFunctions with NULL in the construcor, delete m_pUIFunctions in the deconstructor and create the CUIFunction object at the end of the init function.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "UIFunctions.h"
    m_pUIFunctions = NULL;
bool CGame::Init(IGameFramework *pFramework)
   if ( NULL == m_pUIFunctions )
      m_pUIFunctions = new CUIFunctions();

It is important to create all your classes that uses the UI event system before CompleteInit is called.

This code will result in two new nodes UI:Functions:Game:Foo and UI:Functions:Game:Bar.

If the port "send" is triggered, it will call the C++ code in UIFunctions.cpp.

Event nodes

Event nodes are very similar to Function nodes. They are used to send events from C++ to any UI flowgraph / action. e.g. you can create a singleton class to call events from everywhere of your code.

  • Create a .h file UIEvents.h
#ifndef __UIEvents_H__
#define __UIEvents_H__
#include <IFlashUI.h>
class CUIEvents
  // access to instance
  static CUIEvents* GetInstance()
    static CUIEvents inst;
    return &inst;
  // init the game events
  void Init();
  // events
  enum EUIEvents
  void SendEvent( EUIEvents event, const SUIArguments& args );
  CUIEvents() : m_pGameEvents(NULL) {};
  ~CUIEvents() {};
  IUIEventSystem* m_pGameEvents;
  std::map<EUIEvents, uint> m_EventMap; // Pick your favorite container
  • Create a .cpp file UIEvents.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "UIEvents.h"
void CUIEvents::Init()
  if (gEnv->pFlashUI)
    // create a new event system called "Game"
    // type is eEST_SYSTEM_TO_UI; nodes for this event system will be found under UI:Events
    m_pGameEvents = gEnv->pFlashUI->CreateEventSystem( "Game", IUIEventSystem::eEST_SYSTEM_TO_UI );
    // create a new event description for "Foo"
    SUIEventDesc fooDesc( "Foo", "Foo", "Event named foo" );
    // add a parameter description "Arg1" to the event description
    fooDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg1", "Arg1", "First Arg" ) );
    // register the event to the event system and associate the id with the event enum
    m_EventMap[ eUIGE_FooEvent ] = m_pGameEvents->RegisterEvent( fooDesc );
    // create another event description for "Bar"
    SUIEventDesc barDesc( "Bar", "Bar", "Event named bar" );
    barDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg1", "Arg1", "First Arg" ) );
    barDesc.InputParams.Params.push_back( SUIParameterDesc( "Arg2", "Arg2", "Second Arg" ) );
    m_EventMap[ eUIGE_BarEvent ] = m_pGameEvents->RegisterEvent( barDesc );
void CUIEvents::SendEvent( EUIEvents event, const SUIArguments& args )
  // send the event
  if (m_pGameEvents)
    m_pGameEvents->SendEvent( SUIEvent(m_EventMap[event], args) );
  • Open Game.cpp, include "UIEvents.h" and add to the end of the Init function:
#include "UIEvents.h"
bool CGame::Init(IGameFramework *pFramework)

The code will create two nodes for the flowgraph:

Now you can call from everywhere in your code the SendEvent function to trigger e.g. the UI:Events:Game:Bar Node:

int arg1 = 12;
float arg2 = 1.4f;
SUIArguments args;
args.AddArgument( arg1 );
args.AddArgument( arg2 );
CUIEvents::GetInstance()->SendEvent( CUIEvents::eUIGE_BarEvent, args );