Creating A Crosshair For Top-Down Games


In this tutorial you will learn how to create an animated crosshair for Top-Down games by using Flash and Scaleform. You will create an animated flash file which will follow the mouse cursor and be light projected towards the floor.

Modules used in this tutorial: Adobe Flash, Scaleform, Sandbox, Flowgraph.

Creating Simple Flash Crosshair

If you already have a flash file you want to use as crosshair in-game you can skip this and the next chapter and continue where the flash file gets imported to the engine.

For creating a simple crosshair open up Adobe Flash and do the following:

  1. Choose File -> New...
  2. Select ActionScript 2.0
  3. Set Width and Height both to 512
  4. Set Frame rate to 30 fps
  5. Press OK

On the right Properties panel select Flash Player 8 as Target.

You can now use Flash as usual to create your scene. The following screenshot shows an example crosshair, already converted to a Symbol.

Before continuing please make sure your shape got also converted to a Symbol (mark the shapes and select Convert to Symbol... from the context menu). In our example we use a Graphic-Symbol.

Animating Flash Crosshair

Let's make the crosshair rotate by adding some keyframes to the flash scene.

Select frame 100 from the Timeline and choose Insert Frame from the context menu.

Select a frame between 1-100 and choose Create Motion Tween from the context menu.

The crosshair is now ready to get animated. Select frame 25 and rotate the object by 90 degree. Keep doing that until the crosshair has performed one cycle.

  • Frame 1: original position
  • Frame 25: rotate by 90 degree
  • Frame 50: rotate by 180 degree
  • Frame 75: rotate by 270 degree
  • Frame 100: rotate by 360 degree

If the scene is selected and you hit Enter, you get a preview of the animation.

The flash file does not need to be set up in loop-mode.

Importing Crosshair into the Engine

The flash animation has been created successfully in the previous step.

Now it is time to export it by selecting File -> Export -> Export Movie... and storing the swf file somewhere on your hard disk.

To be able to load the flash file you need to convert the swf file to gfx.

The easiest way to do this is by dragging the swf file on top of gfxexport.exe which is located in: <root>\Tools\GFxExport

This will create a corresponding gfx file with the same name located in the same folder as the swf.

Create the following folder structure for the engine and place the gfx file inside: GameSDK\Libs\UI


Inside folder UIElements create a new xml file which contains the following content. Depending on your setup you might have to adjust the name of your gfx file.

<!-- Category name, of your own choosing -->
<UIElements name="Crosshair">
  <!-- Object name, again, of your own choosing -->
  <UIElement name="Crosshair" render_lockless="1">
   <!-- Point it to the correct files and give it some default settings -->
    <GFx file="crosshair.gfx" layer="0">
         <Align mode="dynamic" valign="center" halign="center" scale="0" max="0" />

Your Flash MovieClip is now ready to be used inside the engine!

Attaching Crosshair to Mouse Position

The idea of getting a crosshair into the engine is to use a light source which projects a flash movie on the floor. This will then be attached to the current mouse cursor position.

Create a light source via Entity -> Lights -> Light and rotate the Y axis by 90 degree. Now, the projection is pointing on the floor.

Also make sure that the light source is not too far away from the floor (1-2 meters above the ground should be fine).

  • Set DiffuseMultiplier to 10
  • Set Projector:Texture to crosshair.ui by typing the name into the text field (name depends on the gfx filename)

The light is now projecting to the floor. If you press CTRL+G to enter game mode, you can observe that the animation is also played.

You might want to tweak some values of the light as for example ProjectorFov to get a steeper projection angle.

After you have found good settings for the light, select the light and choose Create Flow Graph from the context menu.

This will create a new flowgraph for this light entity. To make the crosshair following the mouse cursor, build a similar flowgraph as shown in the picture below.