Measurement Tool


The Measurement Tool allows to measure the length of segmented objects like roads, rivers, and paths. Measuring of segment is done by following the shape of each segment. The measured path is shown in yellow color.

Sandbox Use

To start measuring a few steps need to be taken:

  1. Select segmented object.
  2. Activate "Shape Editing" by clicking "Edit" button, so it becomes yellow and sunken.
  3. Open Views -> Measurement System Tool.

From this moment the tool informs about the total length of selected object and about the length of selected segment(s).

To read the length of some parts of a segmented object, a start point and an end point must be selected. Click on the start of your desired first segment and the last segment of your choice to read its length.

Do not forget to close "Measurement System Tool" window when you're done measuring, if you want to modify the shape of the selected segmented object.
The "Measurement System Tool" window switches "Shape Editing" into "Measurement System" mode.

Double clicking on any of segment starting points selects the whole object for measuring or clears start and end points.

To open the Measurement System Tool, click on View -> Open View Pane -> Measurement System Tool:

Below is an example of the tool in use, with the start and end point selected: