Voxel-Based Global Illumination Updates

Voxel-Based Global Illumination updates in CRYENGINE

The updates for the Voxel-Based Global Illumination are listed below:

Updates in 3.8.6

  • Quality improvement for scenes with a lot of small noisy details like forest (dual depth processing and more temporal filtering)
  • Lowest value for LowSpecMode is 6 now
  • Possibility to increase voxelization distance without much longer voxelization time
  • Deferred voxelization makes sure all meshes are voxelized even if some of them are not streamed in yet
  • Fixed GI broken after next level load, fixed potential crash on level unload, fixed more memory leaks
  • Fixed specular on forward tiled shading materials like Hair
  • Added support for "_NTI" suffix for lights. Those lights are active only when SVOTI is disabled.
  • Added support for clouds shadow. It modulates sun light bounces and partially sky light.
  • Fixed AMD Crimson driver crash

Updates in 3.8.5

  • Fixed crash on light source delete in the launcher
  • Fixed terrain holes support (underground geometry placed in terrain holes is also voxelized now)
  • Fixed debug assert related to forward tiled shading when GI is disabled
  • Fixed sRGB handling in voxelization, now voxels have color closer to original geometry. Note: bounced light may become darker now. (only for mode 1-2)
  • Improved low glossiness handling in specular tracing (only for mode 2)
  • Fixed screen depth tracing not working in levels with great view distance (only for mode 1-2)
  • Added PointLightsMultiplier and EmissiveMultiplier cvars

Updates in 3.8.4

  • Sun injection in modes 1-2 (usually based on voxel tracing only) can be supplemented by RSM allowing more precise injection.
  • Screen space depth tracing may be optionally integrated into voxel tracing code allowing some occlusion from non voxelized geometry. Sample: Works mostly at near range
  • Added new LowSpec modes for better balancing between quality and speed. New LowSpec mode 1 is between old modes 0 and 1. New mode 2 is equal to old mode 1. New mode 4 is between old modes 1 and 2.
  • Fixed crash on level unload in the launcher

Updates in 3.8.3

  • Fixed missing textures in voxelization when running in launcher
  • Added Voxel Coverage parameter into material properties for occlusion amount fine tuning. This allows to fix too much occlusion from some complex objects. Additionally e_svoTI_VegetationMaxOpacity controls the occlusion amount for all vegetation.
  • TOD sky color is supported also in modes 1-2. User can select between static global env probe or dynamic TOD fog color using UseLightProbes flag.
  • New experimental indoor lighting solution in modes 1-2. Two new parameters: PortalsDeform (increase the precision of tracing in direction of portals) and PortalsInject (injects portal lighting together with direct lights, allows good indoor sky light even with just one indirect bounce). Here is the compare of single bounce mode (sky light only) with and without new solution:
  • Fixed cube-map generation with GI enabled
  • Added support for emissive materials. Only modes 1-2 and only static geometry for now. Marerial Emissive color affects only intensity. Actual color comes from diffuse color and diffuse texture.
  • Improved indirect shadows quality (more detailed shadows in modes 1-2, only in case of smallest possible voxels size)
  • Improved AO outside of voxelized area
  • Fixed incorrect shadow maps culling when GI is active
  • Fixed multi-GPU flickering (re-projection disabled so there is little quality loss)