Extrude Multiple

Extrude Multiple will be available from 3.8.4

Feature Description

Extrude tool is one of the most frequently used tool in Designer Tool but it allows only one polygon to be extruded in a normal direction of it.
So In order to overcome this limitation Extrude Multiple has been added to support extruding multiple polygons in individual normal directions, average or x/y/z direction.

Left : Selected multiple polygons
Right : Extruded polygons in individual directions with Extrude Multiple

Basic Workflow

  • Select a designer object.
  • Navigate to ED > Extrude Multiple next to Extrude on the designer panel
  • Check out the attribute panel below which contains Extrude Axis and Leave Edge Loop
  • Select one among Average, Individual, X, Y and Z in Extrude Axis combobox.
  • Select polygons on a selected designer object.
  • Drag a mouse holding LMB along the displayed line.