VR Nodes


These flowgraph nodes are for getting information back from the attached HMD device & also relevant information to do with the camera & players position.


This is for returning the current PRY (Pitch, Roll, Yaw) of the HMD.

The 9 outputs on this node allow you to get the current PRY directional & rotational values of the camera, player & HMD device. The 1 input node is to enable / disable the ability for the node to output information.

Camera Posvec3Output the position of the camera in the world
Camera Rot (PRY)vec3Output the direction the camera is facing
Camera ValidBoolCheck to see if camera is active
HMD Posvec3Output the position of the HMD device in the world
HMD Rot (PRY)vec3Output the direction the HMD device is facing
HMD ValidBoolCheck to see if HMD device is active
Player Posvec3Output the player's character position in the world
Player Rot (PRY)vec3Output the direction the player's character is facing
Player ValidBoolCheck to see if the player is active

Note that the cameras position, is roughly 1.8m above the player's character position. This is because the player's character position is calculated from the floor (between the feet) but the camera is is connected to the joint Bip01 Camera.


This node is for re-centering the HMD device. This is used for when your HMD is out of sync with the tracker unit. Once triggered, this will align the HMD back as if it was pointing directly at the tracker. (assuming that you, (physically) are also aligned with the tracking unit).

Some possible use cases are:

  • If you leave the HMD device on the table & forward "in-game" is not forward in the real world.
  • The HMD is out of sync with the tracker unit & your natural looking forward pose "in-game" is your head slumped forward on your chest "in the real world".

This can be bound to a key or button on a joypad, (taking any input signal) and once triggered it assumes the player is sitting comfortably looking forward & will then re-sync the looking forward pose with your natural sitting position.

In the above example, it is configured to respond to an input from the control mapping of xi_a (xbox controller A / green button). (See input devices info HERE)

We supply 3 outputs, Done, Triggered, or Failed. These are to track whether you want respond to the completion of the action or to check if the HMD reset pose fail the action & you can then apply some following logic.