Applying Audio to Characters Using the Character Tool


Using the Character Tool you can precisely time sounds within an Animation by creating AnimEvents on a timeline.
With this functionality you can trigger different ATL-Controls as well as specific Foley and Footstep events which allow sound to be altered on the basis of a character or surface-type and while using the same Animation.

Applying Audio to Characters Using the Character Tool

The Character Tool can be opened with menu" View -> Open View Pane -> Character Tool", or by clicking on the Character Tool icon in the main toolbar.

For an overview of the Interface in the Character Tool please refer to Interface Overview - Character Tool.

In order to setup an ATL-Trigger in the Character Tool, you first have to load a character which can be done through the Assets Pane located on the left side of the tool.

Next, in the lower half of the Asset Pane all the Animations used by the character can be seen, to load one just doubleclick on it.

With the respective Animation loaded we can set our AnimEvents in order to execute ATL-Triggers at certain points on the timeline.

  • The play button cycles the Animation allowing you to choose the moment at which you would like a particular AnimEvent to play.
  • Move the slider to that time position. For fine tuning, hold down Shift or Ctrl while sliding.
  • By doubleclicking in the timeline a new AnimEvent is created.

An AnimEvent can trigger either an ATL-Trigger, ATL-Switch, ATL-Environment or ATL-Preload.
You can specify AnimEvents to use special Footstep or Foley events, this is further described in Animation Based Foley and Footsteps.

Further details about the Setup of AnimEvents can be found in Animation Events - Character Tool.

Once you have setup your AnimEvents you can play the Animation to audition the sound setup.

  • The timing can now be adjusted by clicking the AnimEvent and moving it on the timeline or by adjusting the value in the Animation Events list.
  • The precise position of the sound can be achieved by attaching the sound to a particular bone in the object. Click in the Bone column in the Animation Events list - a pop-up window will open where it is possible to select a bone.


You now have learned how to setup Audio in the Character Tool. Using this method sounds can be placed on humans, moving parts, prefabs, or weapon reloads.
In order to setup character and material based Footsteps and Foleys please refer to Animation Based Foley and Footsteps.