3 - SDL Mixer and Ambiences


This Tutorial explains how to setup Ambient Sounds with the SDL-Mixer and CRYENGINE.

Setting up Ambiences in SDL-Mixer

For the implementation of Ambient Sounds using SDL-Mixer in CRYENGINE the AudioAreaAmbience Entity is used.

To setup an SDL-Mixer Event for the playback of an Ambience:

  • The Enable Panning checkbox must be disabled (necessary as the SDL-Mixer does not support Sound spreading)
  • The Enable Distance Attenuation checkbox should be enabled and will attenuate the volume of the Sound (depending on the distance values used).

The Max Distance value in the SDL-Mixer properties has to be equal to or lower than the RtpcDistance property of the AudioAreaAmbience Entity, if not then the Sounds will "pop in" and not fade gradually.


Congratulations, you have now created an SDL-Mixer setup that can be used with the AudioAreaAmbience inside CRYENGINE.

In order to learn how to setup your created ATL-Trigger inside CRYENGINE, then look at the tutorial ATL and Ambient Sounds in Levels.

Please note that there are certain differences in the implementation approach for Ambiences in a Level, this is due to feature based limitations of the SDL-Mixer.
You won't need to specify an RTPC or an Environment in the Entity properties as the SDL-Mixer simply does not support those advanced functionalities.
If you need more control over the audio content of your project and want to make use of advanced features we suggest using a professional audio middleware such as the Wwise-Middleware Implementation in CRYENGINE.