ATL Default Controls


The ATL System uses default controls that are automatically created by the Audio Controls Editor (ACE).
The following article will help you to understand how to make use of the default controls and how to set them up correctly within your Audio-Middleware.

ATL Default Controls

The first time that you open the ACE you will see a folder called default_controls.
The ACE automatically created this folder, and the folder contains all the ATL Controls that are required for CRYENGINE's Audio functionality. Within the ACE you will see eight new ATL-Controls that are automatically created.

You can either choose to keep this data inside of the default_controls folder or move it to another folder of your choosing.

If you should remove any of the default controls, the Audio Controls Editor (ACE) automatically recreates them in the default_controls folder.

Get Focus/Loose Focus

These particular ATL Triggers are executed when the Editor Viewport is selected or deselected.

To create a corresponding functionality in your Middleware, that mutes or unmutes all Audio and connects it to the ATL Triggers using the ACE, will require your Middleware to permit such functionality for muting and unmuting via Events. If this is not the case (for your Middleware), then you will need the services of a programmer who can modify your Audio Middleware so as to allow muting/unmuting implementation.

get_focus: This ATL Trigger will be called when the Editor Viewport is focused.
This ATL Trigger will be called when the Editor Viewport is loosing focus.
Bypassing Focus

If you don't want your Audio to stop when loosing focus, you can dynamically change this behavior in CRYENGINE by using the console commands s_ignorewindowfocus = 1.
This will bypass the get_focus and loose_focus events from being called when you are gaining or loosing focus in CRYENGINE.

Mute All/Unmute All

These ATL Triggers are executed when enabling or disabling the Mute Audio button (found on the lower Menubar) of the Editor Viewport.

To setup the Mute All/Unmute All default controls, then you can make use of the same functionality used in the setup of your Audio-Middleware for the get_focus/loose_focus default controls.

Mute Audio
mute_all: This ATL Trigger is bound to the Mute Audio button (found on the lower Menubar) of the Editor Viewport. This Event is called when the button is activated.
unmute_all: This ATL Trigger is bound to the Mute Audio button (found on the lower Menubar) of the Editor Viewport. This Event is called when the Mute button is de-activated.

Do Nothing

Within most places of CRYENGINE's ATL System you have the possibility to define both a PlayTrigger and a StopTrigger.
You can learn more about this under ATL Play/Stop Behavior.

In some cases you may/will want to bypass the automatic stop functionality by using an ATL Trigger and without any connection to any Middleware specific data as your StopTrigger.

do_nothing: This ATL Trigger is used as a blank event in cases where CRYENGINE's StopTrigger functionality should not be executed.
The do_nothing ATL Trigger should not be connected to any Event in your Middleware.


The object_speed is an ATL-RTPC that is updated according to the movement speed of the respective Entity in the Level.
The calculation of the object_speed can be enabled on a per Entity basis with the object_velocity_tracking ATL-Switch.
In CRYENGINE the object_speed ATL-RTPC is calculated by default for the player character.


The object_velocity_tracking is an ATL-Switch that can be used to enable or disable the calculation of the object_speed ATL-RTPC on a per Entity basis.
This ATL-Switch does not need to be connected to a functionality inside of the Audio-Middleware as it is communicating CRYENGINE specific data.


The ObstrOcclCalcType is an ATL-Switch that can be used to set the Obstruction and Occlusion calculation method of an Entity.
The ATL-Switchstates for this are Ignore, SingleRay and MultiRay.
This ATL-Switch does not need to be connected to a functionality inside of the Audio-Middleware as it is communicating CRYENGINE specific data.


You have now learned how to setup and use the functionality of the ATL Default Controls.
For further information about the setup of these controls take a look at CRYENGINE - Wwise Project DLC.