Wwise Implementation Specific Console Commands


Overview of the CVar's available through the Wwise specific implementation.



Specifies whether Wwise should initialize using its Comm system or not.
This cvar is only available in non-release builds.
Usage: s_WwiseEnableCommSystem [0/1]
Default: 0 (off)

Additional Info
Only available in non-release builds!
Also, when initialized, it is possible to communicate between the CryEngine and the Wwise Authoring Application, by performing the Connect operation in the Wise Editor and selecting the instance of the CryEngine you wish to communicate with, normal usage for an Audio Designer or Audio Programmer is initialized .


Allows for capturing the output audio to a wav file.
This cvar is only available in non-release builds.
Usage: s_WwiseEnableOutputCapture [0/1]
Default: 0 (off)

Additional Info
Only available in non-release builds!


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the Wwise implementation.
Usage: s_WwisePrimaryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 131072 (128 MiB), XboxOne: 131072 (128 MiB), PS4: 131072 (128 MiB), MAC: 131072 (128 MiB), Linux: 131072 (128 MiB), WiiU: 131072 (128 MiB), IOS: 8192 (8 MiB), Android: 8192 (8 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the memory pool to be used by the Wwise implementation.
Usage: s_WwiseSecondaryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 0, XboxOne: 32768 (32 MiB), PS4: 0, MAC: 0, Linux: 0, WiiU: 0, IOS: 0, Android: 0


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise prepare event memory pool.
Usage: s_WwisePrepareEventMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 2048 (2 MiB), XboxOne: 2048 (2 MiB), PS4: 2048 (2 MiB), MAC: 2048 (2 MiB), Linux: 2048 (2 MiB), iOS: 2048 (2 MiB), Android: 2048 (2 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise stream manager memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseStreamManagerMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 64, XboxOne: 64, PS4: 64, MAC: 64, Linux: 64, iOS: 64, Android: 64


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise stream device memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseStreamDeviceMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 2048 (2 MiB), XboxOne: 2048 (2 MiB), PS4: 2048 (2 MiB), MAC: 2048 (2 MiB), Linux: 2048 (2 MiB), iOS: 2048 (2 MiB), Android: 2048 (2 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise sound engine default memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseSoundEngineDefaultMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 8192 (8 MiB), XboxOne: 8192 (8 MiB), PS4: 8192 (8 MiB), MAC: 8192 (8 MiB), Linux: 8192 (8 MiB), iOS: 8192 (8 MiB), Android: 8192 (8 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise command queue memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseCommandQueueMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 256, XboxOne: 256, PS4: 256, MAC: 256, Linux: 256, iOS: 256, Android: 256


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise lower engine memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseLowerEngineDefaultPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 16384 (16 MiB), XboxOne: 16384 (16 MiB), PS4: 16384 (16 MiB), MAC: 16384 (16 MiB), Linux: 16384 (16 MiB), iOS: 16384 (16 MiB), Android: 16384 (16 MiB)


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise monitor memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseMonitorMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 256, XboxOne: 256, PS4: 256, MAC: 256, Linux: 256, iOS: 256, Android: 256

Additional Info
Only available in non-release builds!


Specifies the size (in KiB) of the Wwise monitor queue memory pool.
Usage: s_WwiseMonitorQueueMemoryPoolSize [0/...]
Default PC: 64, XboxOne: 64, PS4: 64, MAC: 64, Linux: 64, iOS: 64, Android: 64

Additional Info
Only available in non-release builds!