Obsolete PAK Manager

Obsolete Documentation

This documentation is from CRYENGINE 3.4.x or earlier.


This tool will not only allow you to open any .pak file from the original CRYENGINE SDK game, but also to create new .pak files or to customize the level.pak file of your newly created Singleplayer and Multiplayer. It means that you can include custom content right inside your level and release it to the public, so a whole modification for just one single level is not needed anymore unless you do some heavy modifications to specific assets.


In this section we will explain the functionalities of the tool and the risks that come with it. We recommend using this tool only by experienced users who know how to work with custom content.

UI Explanation

To open the PAK Manager launch the editor, then click on File > PAK Manager.

The default PAK Manager window will show up with the following functionalities:

  • Open PAK – opens an existing pak.
  • Create PAK – creates a new PAK archive (see below for further instructions).
  • Add files – adds new files to an opened / just created PAK archive.
  • Extract – extract the selected folders and files from the list to a user specified folder on your hard drive.
  • Delete entries – deletes the selected folders/files from the PAK archive.
  • Close – closes the PAK Manager.

Multiple selection is enabled in the list. Navigation in the folder tree:

  • Arrows up/down – move selection cursor up/down.
  • Backspace – move one level up.
  • Enter – when folder is selected it will enter that folder.
  • Delete – deletes the selected item folder or fill.

At the bottom there is a status text and a progress bar used for showing long operations progress (like the adding of many files or folders).

We recommend creating new .pak files for all custom content respectively to their file type. (e.g. all new custom Objects should get placed with their respective path in a custom myObjects.pak)

How-To Instructions

This section will explain step-by-step how to work properly with the PAK Manager tool. Please be careful especially when opening the original pak files as that can damage the example levels.

Extracting From Existing PAK Files

  1. Launch the Editor.
  2. Open the PAK Manager via File > PAK Manager...
  3. Click on "Open PAK".
  4. Select the .pak file of your choice and click "Open".
  5. The PAK Manager now lists all files included in this PAK.
  6. To Extract files or folder select them and click on "Extract".
  7. Choose a location or new folder where to extract the selected entries from the list.

Custom Content For Levels

  1. Launch the Editor.
  2. Open the PAK Manager via File > PAK Manager...
  3. Click on "Open PAK".
  4. Navigate to the level folder where you want to include custom assets in the level.pak (e.g. root\GameSDK\Levels\Singleplayer\MySPLevel).
  5. Select the level.pak file and click "Open".
  6. The PAK Manager now lists all files included in this PAK.
  7. Now you can add files/folders by clicking "Add files" or "Add folder" or close the manager.

Opening a level.pak and/or adding custom assets is only possible when this level is not opened in the editor.

In order to get the custom assets inside the level.pak working they still need to be present as loose files when doing a final export to engine of the level. Afterwards the loose files can get deleted as they are part of the level.pak and thus will work ingame.

Custom Content

Creating new .pak files
  1. Launch the Editor.
  2. Open the PAK Manager via File > PAK Manager...
  3. Press the "Create PAK" button and navigate to a location where you want to store the pak file.
  4. Now you can add files/folders by clicking "Add files" or "Add folder" or close the manager.
Adding files to .pak files
  1. Launch the Editor.
  2. Open the PAK Manager via File > PAK Manager...
  3. Click on "Open PAK".
  4. Select the .pak file you want to add files/folders to and click "Open".
  5. The PAK Manager now lists all files included in this PAK.
  6. Now you can add files/folders by clicking "Add files" or "Add folder" or close the manager.

Please ensure that the files you want to add to a .pak files are located in the respective sub folders. Only then they can be added with their direct path to the .pak file and only then they will get loaded ingame from the .pak file correctly.

If you add assets from outside the respective sub folder of your mod, the custom assets do have an incorrect path in the .pak file and thus will not work ingame when you have the loose files deleted.