CryPlantKey is one of the first cryTools written, it is used to plant a node (i.e. foot) in a spot specified by the animator for a given number of frames.
When you press 'Load Morphs from Selected, the text at the top changes to echo the number of morphs loaded from the selected head/mesh. When using the number of morph targets rigidly setup for the Crysis pipeline, you can ignore 'dirty output', when you bake out morphs, they will be arranged by morph set and colored in the fashion that you are used to. The baked out head meshes will also be named with their respective morpher name.
You can load a selection of faces and then delete those same faces from any number of selected objects. All objects must share the same point index. Useful for deleting faces on multiple heads. (Crytek used this internally on the Crysis game to remove the NK heads, but allow eye animations to be played inside the Asian Nanosuit helmet.)
This will mirror the procedural eye calibration animation from Left to Right or Right to Left. This animation is used to bake out eye deformation targets that are later procedurally driven by look IK.
Tech Note: Using this and many other facial tools (like non-dirty output above) requires strict adherence to the CryENGINE Facial Pipeline, these eye bones have specific names and those names are used to locate and mirror their animation.
This is used to transfer morphs between heads with unlike topologies/ point indices.