Mirroring Morphs

Obsolete. This documentation refers to either a deprecated system or an unsupported function or feature.

Mirroring Morphs

To save time you should mirror the morphs. However, this is not as easy as it sounds because you cannot use the tools that 3ds Max provides.

NOTE: CryTools must be installed in order to use the methods described below.

Why Crytools?

3ds Max tools, like the Symmetry modifier, don't keep a record of the vertex index, which is necessary for proper morph targets.
The example below illustrates the problem.

The selected vertex has the vertex ID 442

After adding a symmetry modifier to mirror the model and an editable poly modifier, the selected vertex ID changes to 1432.

The Crytool Mirror Deformation (Morph) Tool keeps the vertex index intact.

Mirror Deformation Setup

Here is an example scene. On the left side you see a completely symmetrical mesh. On the right is an asymmetrical mesh.

Now, mirror the right side of the morph (the blue mesh) to the left. To do this, set your source object by selecting your main mesh with the neutral facial expression and pressing the Select Source Object button. The name of the chosen object will be displayed on the button.

Now you have to save the vertices which will be influenced by the mirror function. For this, select the vertices from one side of the model without the vertices in the center of your head and press Save to save your selection.

After saving the selection as a file you have to load the file into 3ds Max. Press the load button and chose the file that you just saved.

The next time that you open your max file you only have to set your source object and load the saved selection.

Mirror Deformation Usage

You will notice that you are now able to use the right>left and left>right buttons.

If want to mirror the object, select Same Obj. To mirror the right side to the left side press

To flip the object you have the select New Obj instead of Same Obj.