Update Tools


The UpdateTools menu is the hub of the CryTools architecture. From the CryToolsUpdate window you can update the tools and access the tools options.

  • Check/Install Updates From Your Latest Build: This button will look in your current build, the build you currently have copied to your computer, for tools updates. It will look for a new exporter, and new tools to install. CryTools does these functions on Max startup, and this button is primarily used for reloading new tools without restarting 3ds Max.
    • TechNote: Keep in mind that this button will not install a new CryExport if it has been rolled back.
  • Retrieve Latest Tools\Sync: This button checks for the latest tools, it will also grab the latest exporter and plug-ins from the latest build. Because this gets the latest exporter, it leaves rollback mode if you are currently using a rolled back exporter.
  • Rollback Exporter: This button will rollback your exporter to the last version. Once you click this, Max will use the rolledback exporter and will not look for a new version or update until you tell it to Retrieve Latest Tools\Sync.
  • Uninstall CryTools: This will remove CryTools from your machine. It will not, however, uninstall the Crytek plugins.
  • LOCAL\LATEST Build - This displays the current build you have on your hard drive (LOCAL) and the latest build available (LATEST).