Textures Types


To create a model you mostly use the following texture types (you may click on the linked types to find more information on each):

TextureDescriptionFilename Suffix
Diffuse textureThe texture used to define the main model color. Can also contain greyscale Alpha channel for alpha transparency._diff
Specular textureThe texture representing the specular intensity and color of material highlights defined as the "shininess" and color of specular reflections._spec
Normal textureThe texture defining the direction of normals on the surface. A normal direction for each pixel of the texture is stored in the RGB color normal map._ddn
Normals with GlossmapDDNA textures are standard DDN textures with the Gloss map inside the Alpha channel. Introduced in CRYENGINE 3.6, it is crucial to achieving physically correct results._ddna
Environment textureThe texture allowing you to make a material reflective and the image that is reflected off the object.
Displacement textureThe texture which is utilized by POM/OBM/Tessellation to give more depth and definition to an object._displ
Detail textureThe texture allowing you to add more details to surfaces. It works like the second material layer and it is not affected by the mapping of the model it is used for._detail
Decal textureThe texture laid upon the diffuse texture, for adding to the object different cracks, mud or bullet traces etc.
Dirt LayerThe texture allowing you to blend another texture onto your base material in the same draw call, without the need to place an extra decal.
Blend LayerSimilar to the Dirt layer but this features blending of multiple textures using an adjustable mask texture and vertex alpha.

It is important to use the correct suffix names for your textures as CRYENGINE and the Resource Compiler need this information in order to render textures and compile them correctly.

If you're finding random issues occurring with textures, double check that you have named your textures correctly as listed above.