Vegetation Budgets


Here are some general budgets recommended for use in CryENGINE for various types of vegetation. Please note these are not stiff rules that have to be exact, but in actuality these can very greatly depending on the project so it is important that your own budgets are determined early on.

Grass300512x512Only for Bending2 (grass, grass proxy)
Bushes300 - 6001024x1024*One for Leaf Collision & Bending2 (leaf, leaf proxy)
Small Trees600 - 10001024x1024**One for Leaf Collision & Bending***3 (trunk, leaf, leaf proxy)
Large Trees1000 - 20001024x1024**One for Leaf Collision & Bending****4 - 5 (trunk, leaf, leaf proxy, trunk proxy)
* Includes the leaves and branches (diffuse, spec, normal, opacity). Use the same for trees if possible.
** Two 1024px textures, one for leaves and branches (diffuse, spec, normal, opacity) and one for the trunk (diffuse, spec, normal).
*** The trunk needs to be physicalized for being breakable.
**** If the trunk cannot break, add one more proxy and don't physicalize the trunk render geometry).