Look IK

Obsolete. This documentation refers to either a deprecated system or an unsupported function or feature.

Look IK

CryEngine support an automated Look IK that can be used to make characters look at points in the 3D world.
This system is used from the code, from AI and can be used by designers through FlowGraph.

Eye Animation

The Look IK is exectured on the upper body of the characters and on the eye balls. Since character's of slightly different shapes can be using the same skeleton, but their eyes will be offset so that they match perfectly in their sockets - all rotational movement in the animation of these bones is removed. Only the Look IK will operate on these. If you want to animate your eye bones regardless, you will need to create two extra parent bones to the eye bones (link between the head and the original eye bones) and animate these. (http://mycryengine.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=707&start=20)

Combination with Aim IK

The Look IK will not be executed when Aiming is enabled. The Aim Poses include the head bone and will therefore already make sure that the character is looking at his aiming target.

Bone Requirements

eye bones need to be named:

These bones should be placed where the pivot of the eyes should be.

To allow the Look IK to determine that the character is human and allowed to have LookIK, it checks for the existance of certain bones in the skeleton. These must be present, or the LookIK will not be executed:
Bip01 L Heel
Bip01 L Toe0
Bip01 R Heel
Bip01 R Toe0