Exporting Basic Geometry


Basic (or static) geometry are used as various objects in the environment that do not have any special properties assigned to them. For example; a rock would be considered static geometry because generally speaking it would not have any breakable proxies or rigs attached to it.

General Setup in DCC Tools

3ds Max
This tutorial assumes that users understand the basics of 3ds Max, such as the user interface and the creation of simple geometry, and can place objects in the Sandbox Editor. From there it will discuss how to prepare your assets from within 3DS Max in order to get them into the Sandbox Editor as well.

This tutorial assumes that users understand the basics of Maya, such as the user interface and the creation of simple geometry, and can place objects in the Sandbox Editor. From there it will discuss how to prepare your assets from within Maya in order to get them into the Sandbox Editor as well.

Viewing the Object in Sandbox

Start Sandbox and load an existing level. Click the Brush button on the RollupBar and locate the object.

4. Drag the object to the level.

Fetching and Assigning Materials

You can view the object's material by opening the Material Editor (press M, click the icon on the toolbar that looks like a blue circle, or use the View menu).

Click the Get Material from Selection button on the top of the Material Editor window. This gets the material of the selected object.

You can assign any materials to the object by selecting the material (always select the parent, not a sub-material) and clicking the leftmost button in the Material Editor toolbar (the Assign material to selection button).

Testing the Object

You can go into the game mode by pressing CRTL + G when in the Perspective viewport, or on the Game menu.

If you selected the Physicalize button in 3ds Max on the proxy material (assuming that you created a proxy), any other characters/physicalized rigidbodies will collide with the object.

The Reload button in the Brush Params section can be used for reloading the CGF file. Therefore, you can make changes to it in 3ds Max, export it, and then quickly see the effects in the Editor.

You may find sometimes that the physicalized geometry does not get updated (if it was changed) after clicking Reload. You can get around this by deleting the object and using Undo (CTRL + Z or the Undo button). The physicalized geometry is also automatically updated when the level is loaded again.


Same as p_draw_helpers_num, but encoded in letters
Usage [Entity_Types]_[Helper_Types] - [t|s|r|R|l|i|g|a|y|e]_[g|c|b|l|t(#)]
Entity Types:
t - show terrain
s - show static entities
r - show sleeping rigid bodies
R - show active rigid bodies
l - show living entities
i - show independent entities
g - show triggers
a - show areas
y - show rays in RayWorldIntersection
e - show explosion occlusion maps
Helper Types
g - show geometry
c - show contact points
b - show bounding boxes
l - show tetrahedra lattices for breakable objects
j - show structural joints (will force translucency on the main geometry)
t(#) - show bounding volume trees up to the level #
f(#) - only show geometries with this bit flag set (multiple f's stack)
Example: p_draw_helpers larRis_g - show geometry for static, sleeping, active, independent entities and areas


Draw helpers with information for each object (same number negative hides the text)
 1: Name of the used cgf, polycount, used LOD
 2: Color coded polygon count
 3: Show color coded LODs count, flashing color indicates no Lod
 4: Display object texture memory usage
 5: Display color coded number of render materials
 6: Display ambient color
 7: Display tri count, number of render materials, texture memory
 8: RenderWorld statistics (with view cones)
 9: RenderWorld statistics (with view cones without lights)
10: Render geometry with simple lines and triangles
11: Render occlusion geometry additionally
12: Render occlusion geometry without render geometry
13: Display occlusion amount (used during AO computations). Warning: can take a long time to calculate, depending on level size! 
15: Display helpers
16: Display debug gun
17: Streaming info (buffer sizes)
18: Streaming info (required streaming speed)
19: Physics proxy triangle count
20: Display object instant texture memory usage
21: Display animated object distance to camera
22: Display object's current LOD vertex count