Note: If you're using Windows XP 64 or Windows Vista, please install manually.
If you have never installed CryTools, or you have recently reinstalled 3ds Max, you will need to install them. You install CryTools by double clicking the visual basic install script: 'InstallCryTools.vbs' This can be found in your 'Tools\maxscript\' directory.
In example: Tools\maxscript\InstallCryTools.vbs
The script will instantly locate the Adobe Photoshop and 3ds Max install directories, then install CryTools.
TechNote: The install paths are found in the registry and written to the file 'paths.txt' located in a folder named 'cry_temp' which resides in the 3ds Max root folder. Example: C:\3dsmax7\cry_temp\paths.txt
The installer will now copy the cryExport.dlu max plugin from your local build into your max path (echoed out).
And now it will install the needed cryTiff DLLs and plugin into your photoshop directory.
Lastly, the installer will write the CryExport.ini to the echoed location.
You can now start 3ds Max, or if it is running, please restart it. When loading CryTools for the first time it will check out your 3ds Max install environment and look to see if you have core Crytek plugins, and if not, or if they are out of date, it will copy them in and notify you.
Depending how up-to-date your tools are, you may also see this message concerning the following files:
Manual Installation of cryTools for 3ds Max