Setting Up Weapons


Setting Up Weapons

This tutorial describes how to set up weapons and offsets and how to maintain them.

The following example is of a rifle and an opened character Max file with the weapon in it.

1. Open the dialog and hit Edit Entries:

2. A dialog should pop up. In the list, double click in an empty line to add a weapon:

3. In the next window you must select the model of the weapon you want to add:

4. After this another window pops up where to choose the model to get the offset from (for weapons, normally the hand):

5. Now the weapon should be in the list. To maintain them, double click on the line with the weapon:

6. A new dialog pops up where the entries can be edited. In this example, the name is changed (displayed in the drop down list) and the external file reference (used to automatically set up the specific weapon depending on the file name i.e. combat_run_rifle_forward => rifle)

7. After saving, the changed should be visible in the list:

8. When the list is saved, the new entry is available in the drop down list: