Keys 1-2: Switches between the 2 recovered cameras positions.
Key L: Shows the model with basic GL lighting, without texture.
Key S: Shows the model in texture mode.
Key W: Wireframe mode.
Mouse movement with right mouse pressed: changes view direction
Mouse movement with left mouse pressed: navigates in the current view direction
First of all you need to take two photos of the subject of interest. To see some additional examples, look at the Photobump page.
View from the top:
View from the camera position looking at the object
Batch tool
A Batch tool is provided to process several files at once, in standalone mode. Put each pair of pictures into a folder as explained in Point 8 in the 'Taking the Pictures' section. All folders should go into a subfolder called 'BatchProcess'. The Photobump executable should have the name Photobump20.exe in order for the batch tool to find it. So don't rename the executable.
For example:
The batch tool will then scan the 'Pictures' subfolders recursively and invoke Photobump.exe with a command line.
Obj Exporter
You can export an .OBJ file of the model. Go to File->ExportObj and select a folder and a file name. Be careful as it would easy generate a file in the order of hundreds of megabytes.
Align Normal map
It will align an existing normal map to (x=0,y=0,z=1) (z axis pointing up). Go to File->ExportObj and select a normal map file. Note that Photobump aligns normal maps by default, so you don't need to do that on normal maps generated by Photobump.
Import Bojou calibration data
You can import cameras calibrated with Bojou (a commercial camera calibration software). In Bojou you must export a .txt file. Go to File->Open and select the .txt file.
Optical flow
An optical flow visualization of movies. Go to File->Open and select an .AVI file. A window will pop up showing the optical flow. Press spacebar to move through each frame of the sequence.