LOD Morphs

Obsolete. This documentation refers to either a deprecated system or an unsupported function or feature.

Creating LODs and Generating Morphs

In this tutorial, you will transfer the morphs from LOD0 to LOD1, LOD2, and the like.

The red head is LOD1 and the black one, LOD0. The orange heads are the morph targets for LOD0.

First, create the LODs.

For LOD creation, you must do all the changes with an editable poly modifier. It is also good to put a morpher under the editable poly modifier, to directly test the LOD with the morph targets. You can also fix UVs by adding an unwrap modifier to the LOD.

The setup for LOD 1 should look like this:

Unwrap UVW: For fixing UVs on LOD1
Edit Poly: LOD1
Morpher: Morph Modifier to test how your morphs are working with your LOD1- contains all the LOD0 morphs
Editable Poly: LOD0

Note: When you are working on the edit poly modifier, check the mesh for unwanted gaps.

  1. If the LOD1 is done, open the cryMorphTools and go to the Facial Tools.
  2. Select the LOD1 and click Load Morphs From Selected.
  3. The tool will load all the morphs that have been added to the morph modifier. It will also display how many morphs are stored.
  4. When you type in a layer name, all generated morphs will be moved into this layer. In this example, it is Morphs_LOD1.
  5. Normally, the generated meshes are moved next to the source object. To keep the scene tidy, you can add dummies to the scene. Name the dummies, Dummy_+the name of the morph. For example: "Dummy_Lip_funneler".
  6. Now activate Organize and the generated morphs will be automatically aligned to the dummies.
  7. Then, click Bake Morphs.


The original LOD0 morph on the left has been nicely transferred to the LOD1 on the right.