Sets/Gets the value of a console variable (CVar).
If an entity is not provided, the local player will be used instead.
Formerly "Game:DisplayTag". You can use this node to debug entities within a level. When you setup an entity with the DisplayTag it will printout its EntityID above the object in the world.
In the above example, we are displaying the EntityID of the Player and Grunt1 on game start.
In this example we are using the DisplayTag to output the health of the entity Grunt1 every second via a Actor:HealthGet node. Then when Grunt1 is dead, we pause the timer which will stop the update to the DisplayTag node.
Formerly "Game:DisplayTagAdv". This node is similar to the DisplayTag node, but with more options for controlling the output of the message.
In the above example like before we are outputting the health value of Grunt1 to the DisplayTagAdv node.
But you have control over the visible and fade time of the message, font size and color, view distance and which column to place it in if you have a lot of information to show.
Executes a string like when using the console.
Outputs a float in string format, with limited amount of decimals. Used for debug visualization.
When activated, this node outputs the current frame rate data and the lowest, highest and the average frame rate.
FlowNode to catch key inputs. Use only for debugging. It is enabled by default. Entity Input need to be used in multiplayer.
Get analog input from XBox 360 controller. Note: Expensive! Note2: entity input is used in multiplayer.
Get input from XBox 360 controller. EntityInput is used in multiplayer.
Logs string input message to console. Useful for debugging events.