This flownode is used to catch key inputs, however, it should only be used for debugging purposes.
In the example above, by pressing the y key on the keyboard you trigger the changing of the Material Layer of the selected object.
Input | Description |
Any "entityId" | Need to be used when in multiplayer. |
Any "Enable" | Trigger to enable, by default it is already enabled. |
Any "Disable" | Trigger to disable. |
String "Key" | Key name. Leave empty for any key. |
Boolean "NonDevMode" | If set to true, it can be used in NonDevMode as well, debugging backdoor. |
Output | Description |
String "Pressed" | Key pressed. |
String "Released" | Key released. |
With this node, you can listen for mouse inputs when you enable the node.
In this example, when we enter a trigger it enables the Input:Mouse node to listen for mouse inputs. We have three examples:
Input | Description |
Bool "Enable" | Enable the Mouse listener. |
Bool "Disable" | Disable the Mouse listener. |
Bool "IgnoreLinked" | If inside a vehicle it will be ignored by the raycast. |
Bool "EveryHit" | Will return the world position coord's of every hit, not just if there is an entity under the cursor. |
Bool "DisableMovement" | If set to true (default), the player will not be able to move when modal mode is active. |
Bool "EnableModalMode" | If enabled, modal mode will be active without pressing a key. |
Bool "DisableModalMode" | If enabled, modal mode will be deactivate without pressing a key. |
Bool "ShowBoundaries" | If enabled it will show the selection boundaries, when you drag select. |
Bool "UpdateAlways" | If enabled, it will always update the flow node. |
String "Ray Selection" | Sets what should cause a ray hit. You can pick from All, Living, Rigid, Static, Terrain or water. |
String "Modal mode key" | Specify which key enable Modal mode. |
Output | Description |
Integer "EntityID" | Will output the current Entity ID that the cursor is over. |
Integer "LastEntityID" | Will display the last Entity ID that the cursor was over. |
Bool "OnEnter" | Triggers when the mouse cursor passed over an entity shape. |
Bool "OnLeave" | Triggers when the mouse cursor leaves an entity shape. |
Integer "OnPressed" | Outputs the mouse button ID that was pressed (LMB =1, RMB =2 MMB =3) |
Integer "OnReleased" | Outputs the mouse button ID when released |
Integer "X" | Outputs the location of the cursor in screen space cood's of X. (Top Left = 0.0) |
Integer "Y" | Outputs the location of the cursor in screen space cood's of Y. (Top Left = 0.0) |
Vec3 "HitPos" | Outputs the HitPos of the raycast in Vec3 format. |
Vec3 "HitDir" | Outputs the HitDir of the raycast in Vec3 format. |
Integer "SelectedEntityIDs" | Will output the the IDs of the entities that you have drag selected over in Modal mode. |