Input Nodes


This flownode is used to catch key inputs, however, it should only be used for debugging purposes.

In the example above, by pressing the y key on the keyboard you trigger the changing of the Material Layer of the selected object.



Any "entityId"

Need to be used when in multiplayer.

Any "Enable"

Trigger to enable, by default it is already enabled.

Any "Disable"

Trigger to disable.

String "Key"

Key name. Leave empty for any key.

Boolean "NonDevMode"

If set to true, it can be used in NonDevMode as well, debugging backdoor.



String "Pressed"

Key pressed.

String "Released"

Key released.


With this node, you can listen for mouse inputs when you enable the node.

In this example, when we enter a trigger it enables the Input:Mouse node to listen for mouse inputs. We have three examples:

  • At the top we are using a debug message to display the current entity ID that is under the cursor. It will update as you move over different entities.
  • The second debug message is looking for a specific entity ID. When the string compare equals true, it displays the debug message. So you can look at a crowd of people, and it will only output true when the cursor is over the correct entity (501). (The logic:Any has been added to make the flowgraph easier to read).
  • The third debug message will activate when you drag select around an entity and this will give you the entity information.



Bool "Enable"

Enable the Mouse listener.

Bool "Disable"

Disable the Mouse listener.

Bool "IgnoreLinked"

If inside a vehicle it will be ignored by the raycast.

Bool "EveryHit"

Will return the world position coord's of every hit, not just if there is an entity under the cursor.

Bool "DisableMovement"

If set to true (default), the player will not be able to move when modal mode is active.

Bool "EnableModalMode"

If enabled, modal mode will be active without pressing a key.

Bool "DisableModalMode"

If enabled, modal mode will be deactivate without pressing a key.

Bool "ShowBoundaries"

If enabled it will show the selection boundaries, when you drag select.

Bool "UpdateAlways"

If enabled, it will always update the flow node.

String "Ray Selection"

Sets what should cause a ray hit. You can pick from All, Living, Rigid, Static, Terrain or water.

String "Modal mode key"

Specify which key enable Modal mode.



Integer "EntityID"

Will output the current Entity ID that the cursor is over.

Integer "LastEntityID"

Will display the last Entity ID that the cursor was over.

Bool "OnEnter"

Triggers when the mouse cursor passed over an entity shape.

Bool "OnLeave"

Triggers when the mouse cursor leaves an entity shape.

Integer "OnPressed"

Outputs the mouse button ID that was pressed (LMB =1, RMB =2 MMB =3)

Integer "OnReleased"

Outputs the mouse button ID when released

Integer "X"

Outputs the location of the cursor in screen space cood's of X. (Top Left = 0.0)

Integer "Y"

Outputs the location of the cursor in screen space cood's of Y. (Top Left = 0.0)

Vec3 "HitPos"

Outputs the HitPos of the raycast in Vec3 format.

Vec3 "HitDir"

Outputs the HitDir of the raycast in Vec3 format.

Integer "SelectedEntityIDs"

Will output the the IDs of the entities that you have drag selected over in Modal mode.