Logic Nodes


Do logical operation on input pots and outputs result to [out] port. True port is triggered if the result was true, otherwise the false port is triggered.


Triggers the output when all connected inputs are triggered.


Triggers the output when any of the inputs have been triggered.


If enable blocks [In] signals, otherwise passes them to [Out].


Node to route data flow based on a boolean condition. Setting input [Value] will route it either to [OnFalse] or [OnTrue].


Node to route data flow based on a boolean condition. Depending on [Condition], either input [True] or [False] will be redirected to [out].


The value triggered into 'in' is sent to 'out' a maximum number of times.


Pushes the input to the selected (via Index) output port. 3 different modes:

  • InputOnly: Only [Input] triggers output.
  • IndexOnly: Only [Index] triggers output.
  • Both: Both [Input] and [Index] trigger output.


If closed, blocks [In] signals, otherwise passes them to [Out].


Whenever a input port is activated, returns the index of that pot [1-8]. WARNING: Does not account for multiple activations on different pots!


Selects on of the inputs using the Index and sends it to the output. 3 Different modes!

  • IndexOnly: Only [Index] triggers output.
  • PortsOnly: Only Port[Index] triggers output.
  • Always: Both [Index] and Port[Index] trigger output.


Inverts [in] port, [out] port will output true when [in] is false, and will output false when [in] is true.


Triggers only once and passes from activated Input port to output port [Out]. WARNING!! The triggered flag is not serialized on savegame!. This means that even if a previous savegame is loaded after the node has been triggered, the node wont be triggered again.


Do logical operation on input pots and outputs result to [out] port. True port is triggered if the result was true, otherwise the false port is triggered.


Only send [in] value into the [out] when it is different from the previous value.


Triggers only once and passes from activated Input port to output port [Out].


Passes the activated input value to a random amount [outMin <= random <= outMax] outputs.


On each [In] trigger, triggers one of the connected outputs in random order.


On each [In] trigger, triggers one of the connected outputs in sequential order.

In this example, we're using the last output from the first Sequentializer node to open/close gates in order to activate the second Sequentializer node. This allows infinite daisy-chaining of sequential events and looped options.


Do logical operation on input ports and outputs result to out port. True port is triggered if the result was true, otherwise the false port is triggered.