AI Actors Logger


The AI Actors Logger is only available if CryAISystem was built in Debug mode.

The following AI events can be logged to the AILog.log file, which can be found in the root folder of the engine.


  • AI Action started
  • AI Action ended
  • AI Action suspended
  • AI Action resumed
  • Signal received
  • Auxiliary Signal received
  • Goalpipe selected
  • Goalpipe inserted
  • Goalpipe reset
  • RefPoint position set
  • Stimulus registered
  • AI System reset
  • OnEnemyHeard
  • OnEnemyMemory
  • OnEnemySeen
  • OnInterestingSoundHeard
  • OnLostSightOfTarget
  • OnMemoryMoved
  • OnNoTarget
  • OnObjectSeen
  • OnSomethingSeen
  • OnSuspectedSeen
  • OnSuspectedSoundHeard
  • OnThreateningSeen
  • OnThreateningSoundHeard
  • AI Signal executing
  • Behavior constructor called
  • Behavior destructor called
  • Behavior selected


To select AI actor(s) to log, use console variable "ai_StatsTarget" (can be "all").

  • ai_StatsTarget = "none"
    • No logging.
    • No on-screen debug text.
  • ai_StatsTarget = "all"
    • Logs all AI characters.
    • No on-screen debug text.
  • ai_StatsTarget = "Human1"
    • Logs only AI character named "Human1".
    • On-screen debug text is now drawn for this particular AI.


Additionally, you can log some signals from AI Handler to AISignals.csv.

This is possible if both CryAction and CryAISystem were built in Debug mode.