Terrain Ambient Occlusion

Terrain Ambient Occlusion is obsolete in CRYENGINE 3.6. Use Environment Probes for ambient lighting control.


The Terrain Ambient Occlusion system controls the amount of ambient light in a scene. For example, a dense forest has less ambient light near the ground because most of the light is stopped by the trees.

In the current implementation, occlusion information is stored in textures and the effect is applied to the scene in a deferred way.

The images below show the difference (in a scene) when Terrain Ambient Occlusion is enabled and when it is not.


The amount of effect can be controlled in the Time Of Day dialog box.

Make sure that the Calculate Terrain Sky Accessibility check box has been selected during the terrain texture generation.

Console Variables

The following are the important console variables:


7=Activate terrain AO deferred passes


Displays render targets - for debug purpose
r_ShowRenderTarget -l : list all available render targets
r_ShowRenderTarget -l hdr : list all available render targets whose name contain 'hdr'
r_ShowRenderTarget -nf zpass : show any render targets whose name contain 'zpass' with no filtering in 2x2(default) table
r_ShowRenderTarget -c:3 pass : show any render targets whose name contain 'pass' in 3x3 table
r_ShowRenderTarget z hdr : show any render targets whose name contain either 'z' or 'hdr'
r_ShowRenderTarget scene:rg scene:b : show any render targets whose name contain 'scene' first with red-green channels only and then with a blue channel only
r_ShowRenderTarget scenetarget:rgba:2 : show any render targets whose name contain 'scenetarget' with all channels multiplied by 2
r_ShowRenderTarget scene:b hdr:a : show any render targets whose name contain 'scene' with a blue channel only and ones whose name contain 'hdr' with an alpha channel only
r_ShowRenderTarget -e $ztarget : show a render target whose name exactly matches '$ztarget'
r_ShowRenderTarget -s scene : separately shows each channel of any 'scene' render targets
r_ShowRenderTarget -k scene : shows any 'scene' render targets with RGBK decoding
r_ShowRenderTarget -a scene : shows any 'scene' render targets with 101110/8888 aliasing