Useful Audio Console Commands


This article gives you a quick overview of the most commonly used and most useful CVars for the CRYENGINE audio system.



Toggles onscreen sound statistics.
Usage: s_SoundInfo [0..9]
1: simple list of playing sounds.
2: extended list of looping sounds.
3: extended list of oneshot sounds.
4: list of lost sounds.
5: list of event soundbuffers.
6: list of sample soundbuffers (dialog).
7: list of wavebanks.
8: displays music information.
9: displays sound moods.
10 shows Sound Moods values set within FMOD.
11 shows memory usage by project.
12 shows memory usage by project/group.
13 shows memory usage by project/group:sound.
14 shows overall memory stats.
15 shows detailed listener infos.
Default is 0 (off).


Toggles sound on and off.
Usage: s_SoundEnable [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable sound.


enable/disable music


Toggles sound debugging mode.
Usage: s_DebugSound [0/13]
0: Disables debugging.
1: Enables simple sound debugging.
2: Enables full sound debugging.
3: Enables sound event callback debugging.
4: Enables sound event listener debugging.
5: Enables sound syncpoint debugging.
6: Enables simple memory debugging.
7: Enables FMOD logging into fmod.log.
8: Enables simple FMOD debugging into fmod.log.
9: Enables complex FMOD debugging into fmod.log.
10: Enables FMOD memory debugging into fmod.log.
11: Enables logging of all FMOD output into fmod.log.
12: Enables AudioDevice command logging to SoundCommands.xml.
13: Enables logging of information on Voice files which have programmersounds.
Default is 0 (off).


Changes music-debugging verbosity level.
Usage: s_DebugMusic [0/4]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 (up to 4) to debug music.


Toggles drawing of a small red ball at the sound's position and additional information.
Usage: s_DrawSounds [0..5]
Default is 0 (off).
1: Draws the ball, filename and the current volume of the used channel for all active sounds.
2: Draws the ball, used channel, static volume, current volume, SoundID of the used channel for all active sounds.
3: Draws the ball, all information for all active sounds.
4: Draws the ball, and information for all sounds (also inactive).
5: Draws the ball plus filename, current volume of the used channel for all active sounds, name and values of the event parameter(s).


Toggles drawing of a blue radius around the sound's position and rays casted to test obstruction.
Usage: s_DrawObstruction [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
1: Draws the ball and casts rays to show the obstruction tests.


Controls for which type of event to draw the distance sphere.
Usage: s_DistanceSphereSemantic [0ab...] (flags can be combined)
Default: 0 (all)
1 : Only Voice Sounds
2 : No Voice Sounds
a : Ambience
b : Ambience Oneshots
c : Collisions
d : Dialog
e : MP Chat
f : Footsteps
g : General Physics
h : HUD
i : Unused
j : FlowGraph
k : Unused
l : Living Entity
m : Mechanic Entity
n : NanoSuit
o : SoundSpot
p : Particles
q : AI Pain/Death
r : AI Readability
s : AI Readability Response
t : TrackView
u : Projectile
v : Vehicle
w : Weapon
x : Explosion
y : Player Foley
z : Animation

Note that s_DrawSounds 4 is required for this to work. By default s_DistanceSphereSemantic is set to 0 which means all active sounds will be shown and drawn.
You can filter by single semantics if you wish. To display a list of known semantics just use "?" as input to bring up a list.


Toggles to find and stop lost events to prevent them from endlessly looping.
Default is 0 (off).
1: finds and stops lost events.
Usage: s_FindLostEvents [0/1].


Controls the dialog volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameDialogVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.


Controls the music volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameMusicVolume 0.2
Default is 1.0


Controls the sfx volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameSFXVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.


Allows for overriding the application's master volume when the window lost focus.
Usage: s_NoFocusVolume [0...1]
Default is 0 (total silence on no focus).


Allows for setting the application's master volume.
Usage: s_GameMasterVolume [0...1]
Default is 1 (full volume).


Enables audio volume debug drawing for the specified category.
Usage: s_VUMeter 


Sets limiter to control sound variation.
Usage: s_VariationLimiter [0..1]
Default is 1.0.


Toggles network audition (opens port/needs restart).
Usage: s_NetworkAudition [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).


Toggles filter to select certain sounds to be played only.
Default is 0 (off).
1 : Only Voice Sounds
2 : No Voice Sounds
+a : Ambience
+b : Ambience Oneshots
+c : Collisions
+d : Dialog
+e : MP Chat
+f : Footsteps
+g : General Physics
+h : HUD
+i : Unused
+j : FlowGraph
+k : Unused
+l : Living Entity
+m : Mechanic Entity
+n : NanoSuit
+o : SoundSpot
+p : Particles
+q : AI Pain/Death
+r : AI Readability
+s : AI Readability Response
+t : TrackView
+u : Projectile
+v : Vehicle
+w : Weapon
+x : Explosion
+y : Player Foley
+z : Animation
Usage: s_PlaybackFilter [1,2,a..z].


Toggles dummy(NULL) sound system.


Toggles sound obstruction effect.
Usage: s_Obstruction [0..2]
0: off
1: DSP based obstruction
2: volume based obstruction
Default is 1 (DSP).

The Obstruction effects introduce a muffling if the direct sound is blocked from a listener. Obstruction can be controlled by console variables starting with s_Obstruction_ to add an individual low-pass filter to each sound, which has the obstruction flag set.
Please have a look at the individual documentation for these console variables. On low spec machines this effect can be turned off or approximated by simply lowering volume.


Enables the on screen debug info for flownode dialog buffers.