Image Nodes


Adds distortion effects to the HUD only.


Offers control over basic image settings such as saturation, contrast, brightness, Cyan/Magenta/Yellow, etc.


Apply a color chart texture and specify fade-in time.


Enable or disable the Player's damaged health effect and control the intensity (0 - 1).


Adds distortion effects to the players view (doesn't affect HUD).


Places blood splats on the screen when used. Type and amount of bloodsplats can be defined using the nodes input ports. 0 is human, 1 is alien. "Spawn" spawns new blood splats.


Creates a condensation effect on the screen. The amount and center of the effect can be defined using the input ports of the node


Adds a depth of field effect, giving control over distance, range and amount.


DEPRECATED - Game specific effect, renders multiple volumetric layers at distance. Should be used in conjunction with some rain particles as a mean to decrease amount of particles required.


Simulates a frozen HUD. The amount and the center of the effect on the screen can be adjusted using the input ports of the node.


Adds a ghosting effect to the screen which overlaps and blurs previous frames together.





Adds on-screen rain drops which travel down the players HUD.


Adds a volumetric effect which could be useful in simulating snowy environments. With the ability to control color, speed and amount, you can simulate various environments, such as lava.


Adds a water effect which appears from various sources on the screen. Unlike RainDroplets, this simulates more of a "splash" type effect of water being thrown on the screen in various places.


Adds another type of water effect, but this one simulating water running down the screen, this can be used for simulating far more dense water interactions, like standing under a waterfall.


Blurs the entire screen. Could be used to simulate things like dense smoke affecting the players eyes. Only Gaussian blur available at the moment.


Shifts the chrominance information of the image by a certain amount. Best used in small amounts to create subtle film effects.


Applies a blur in specified direction based on movement. The blur direction is defined using the vec3 input port on the node.


DEPRECATED - Effect available through Time of Day.


Blurs the screen around a defined 2D position on the screen. Amount and radius of the blur effect can be defined using the input ports of the node.

BlurringRadius sets the radius of the blur effect around the defined center. ScreenPos X/Y can be used to alter the center.


Adds sharpening to the final image. Although there is a "Type" input port, only one type is currently available. You can use negative values to blur the screen also.


Applies numerous effects which you would typically associate with old television sets, grain, vsync, interlacing, pixelation and others. You can mask via a texture, or apply to the whole screen.

By default, all effects values are set to 0 so you won't see any effects unless you specify a value for an input type. The available effects inputs are: VSync, Interlacing, Pixelation, Chroma Shift and Grain.




Perform customizable fade-in/fade-out effects, including the ability to fade in/out from textures. "UseCurColor" uses the previously set color as fading color if set to True, else it uses the FadeColor.


Set the shadow mode to "Normal" or "HighQuality" mode. Note, this is intended to be used for very specific lighting setups and will likely result in a lot of self-shadowing artifacts under typical use.