Sound and Ropes


You can select a sound and attach it to a rope entity's segment. In order to do so three options have been added to the rope entity editor rollup page.

  1. Select a sound.
  2. Select the rope segment to attach to.
  3. A position offset.

The position offset indicates how far a sound is moved away from its original attachment point. The number (0-1) moves the sound within the length of the segment the sound is attached to.

Sound events can react on the sound's speed in km/h through parameters "doppler_abs" or "doppler_rel". Also a new parameter is updated "angle" which indicates the angle between the two segments the sound is attached to. This is a number between 0-180 degrees.

Of course this parameter won't be updated (always 180°) in case the sound is attached to either very end or beginning of the rope.


And a video of showing the effect you can achieve with this in action: