The Flow Graph window consists of five different parts:
Apart from the main editing pane, all windows can be moved and resized. The main editing pane will always be in the background and use all the space that is available.
This is the main window, where all the editing takes place. Nodes can be added, deleted, moved, and linked here. This window needs a lot of screen space to work effectively.
The best way to work with it is to place it on the second monitor (if available) and keep it open all the time because it may be often necessary to switch between the game window and the Flow Graph.
In the components window, all usable Flow Graph nodes can be found. Component nodes are nodes which do not represent an entity in the level, but have an abstract functionality that may use one or more entities.
The MoveEntityTo node, for example, is a component node. It takes an entity as a target and moves it to a specified position.
The nodes are sorted by category and can be added to the current Flow Graph in two ways:
Nodes can belong to different categories. Which nodes are visible in the component list can be configured in the 'View/Components' menu. There are six node categories:
This window provides an overview for the different graphs and entities. Each entity can have its own graph attached.
To switch between graphs:
In addition to the normal entity Flow Graphs, all AIAction graphs are listed in this window. An AIAction graph is a special type of graph which is executed by a Smart Object rule.
The Inputs window is specific to the node currently selected. All node parameters can be edited here.
In addition to the input controls there is an information tab that provides a description of the currently selected node.
Flow Graphs and Action graphs can be searched for specific nodes and/or values. The search options can be configured to include or exclude different parts of the nodes. The search can also be limited to action graphs or entities.
The search results will be displayed in the SearchResults window and a double-click will jump to the corresponding graph.
The 'Look in' dropdown-list defines which graphs will be searched: