DBView Vegetation Tab


The Database View Vegetation tab contains a list of all the vegetation objects and categories in a level. Here you can adjust group properties for specific objects, as well as group together vegetation objects in categories.

All of the properties, grouping options, and information can also be accessed via the RollupBar (Terrain > Vegetation), however, for managing large numbers of vegetation objects, the DataBase View Vegetation Tab is a very useful tool.

Editing Vegetation Objects

In the object browser, you can choose any object to be placed as a vegetation object (objects in the "natural" folder are appropriate).




Adds a vegetation object to the selected category.


Allows you to clone the currently selected object.


Exchanges the currently selected object with the one you are going to select in the object browser.


Removes a vegetation group.


Hides a vegetation group.


Unhides a vegetation group.

Hide All

Hides a all vegetation groups.

Unhide All

Unhides all vegetation groups.


This function can be used to automatically distribute vegetation objects across the entire level.
Use a higher density than 10 and slope and altitude values that fit the type of distribution you want.
e.g. For Palm Trees use an altitude from 5 to 20 meters higher than the current water level.


Clears all vegetation data of the currently selected vegetation group.


Allows you to scale all objects in the selected vegetation group (0.5 makes them half as big and 2 twice as big).

Change Category

Allows you to move the selected vegetation group to another one.

Instances to Category

Move the selected vegetation object (in the perspective view) to another vegetation group.


Allows you move the selected vegetation group to another one.


Imports vegetation settings and placement data from a previously saved .veg file.


Exports all vegetation settings and placement on the map data as a backup so it can be imported later.

Group Properties Box

In the Group Properties Box there are many different properties that can be adjusted.

For a full list of options and descriptions, see the main Vegetation Creation article on the previous page.