Each AmbientVolume has a radius. As you get closer to an area, the ambience will begin to fade in at a certain distance away from the perimeter of the area shape. That distance is controlled by setting the radius in the AmbientVolume properties.
Ambiences can be nested. For example, you may want the sounds of a jungle to be cancelled as you enter a small building in the middle of the jungle.
The radius of the higher priority shape is used when cross fading between nested AmbientVolumes. For example, if the jungle has a radius of 20, but the small building has a radius of 1, the jungle sound will fade out over a distance of one meter, when the player walks into the building. However, when the player walks out of the jungle into an unrelated ambience, the jungle sound will fade out over a distance of 20 meters.
Ambience can be set to respond to the “environment” parameter in the ReverbVolume entity.
By adding the parameter “environment_listener” or “environment_sound” to the FMOD event, it will pass the “environment” value from the ReverbVolume entity to allow modification in real time with FMOD effects.
The “environment_listener” parameter passes the “environment” value of the ReverbVolume based on the listener position.
The “environment_sound” parameter passes the “environment” value of the ReverbVolume based on the sound entity position.
The image below shows the ReverbVolume entity properties.
The image below shows the environment_listener parameter on an ambience used in an AmbientVolume entity.
When the listener is in an area with the ReverbVolume environment value=1, the sound is unmodified. When the listener is in an area with the ReverbVolume environment value=2, the sound is pitched down by 9 semitones and also reduced in volume by 9dB.
The image below shows the “environment_sound” parameter on a gunfire event used in a SoundEventSpot entity.
When the sound is placed in an area with the ReverbVolume environment value=1, it plays unmodified. When the sound is placed in an area with the ReverbVolume environment value =2, it will reduce its pitch by 3 semitones.
Ambiences can be set to respond to gunfire and explosions (for example, if you would like to have birds in the ambience when there is no battle, but only hear wind when there is fighting).
Ambiences can be set to change according to the dynamic day/night cycle. For example, during the day, a jungle ambience will have more bird calls, while at night, it probably should have more insect noises instead.