Worker Thread Profiling


CryENGINE features several methods of analyzing worker performance at run-time as well as in offline mode.

  • For a quick overview of the current worker load, use the console command Profile 5.
  • For a more detailed overview used the Statoscope tool which can be found in the game_branch/Tools folder.

Profile 5

The console command Profile5 displays information of individual worker threads work loads.

The feature should be used to get a rough overview. For a more detailed per frame analysis of data please refer to using the Statoscope tool.

How to use:
  • In-game console command: Profile 5

Worker utilization summary:

  • SampleTime: The time period the samples have been taken in

Individual Worker Stats:

  • WorkTime: The total time this worker has been executing jobs in the sample period.
  • Idle Time: The total time the worker has been idling in the sample period.
  • Workload: Percentage of WorkTime in relation to the sample time.
  • Workload Per Job: Percentage divided by number of jobs.
  • Jobs: The number of jobs executed in the sample period.
  • ---
  • Meter: Worker execution time of the sample frame.
  • Histogram: Worker execution time per frame over the last X frames.

Page Faults: (PC only)

  • Faults: Number of page faults in the sample period .
  • ---
  • Meter: Log10 representation of the sample frame's page faults.
  • Histogram: Log10 representation of page faults per frame over the last X frames.

Frame Timings:

  • Time: Frame time in milliseconds.
  • Frames: Frames per second.
  • Only none-blocking/SPU(PS3) workers are displayed


Statoscope offers live as well as offline analysis of data on a per frame basis.

Link to the Statoscope Guide where more information about the tool can be found.

How to use:

Step 1:

  • In the in game console type: e_StatoscopeLogDestination 1


  • In the console type: e_StatoscopeDataGroups WX
  • DataGroup W = Worker Information Individual
  • DataGroup X = Worker Information Summary
  • (Note the capital letters)


  • Start Statoscope


  • Click File->Connect


  • Connect to the platform the game is running on.

Worker Information Individual:

DataGroup: W

Individual worker stats for the various backend types for a given frame.

Backend Types:

  • None-Blocking
  • Blocking
  • SPU

For each worker:

  • SamplePeriodInMs : The sample period in milliseconds.
  • ExecutionTimeInMs: The total time the worker has spend executing jobs.
  • IdelTimeInMs: The total time the worker has been idling (sample period - execution time).
  • UtilPerc: Percentage of usage in the sampling time.
  • NumJobs: Number of jobs executed.

Worker Information Summary:

DataGroup: X

Summary of all worker activity for the various backend types for a given frame.

Backend Types:

  • None-Blocking
  • Blocking
  • SPU

For each backend:

  • SamplePeriodInMs : The sample period in milliseconds.
  • ActiveWorkers: Active workers.
  • AvgUtilPercentage: Average utilization percentage in the sampling time.
  • TotalExecutionPeriodInMs: Total time spend executing jobs.
  • TotalNumberOfJobs: Total number of jobs executed.