Locomotion Groups have been replaced by BSpaces since SDK release 3.5
The Locomotion Group Editor (LMG Editor), is a tool tailored to create LMG animations in a more interactive way than having to write the .lmg xml files by hand. For more information on what LMG animations are and what are they used for, please refer to the Locomotion Groups documentation.
Menu Title | Description |
File | |
Load LMG | Loads an existing .lmg animation into the editor. |
Save LMG | Save the current edited animation into an .lmg file. |
Load Character | Load a different character to preview the currently edited lmg animation. Loading a different character will change the available animations in the "Animations" panel |
Edit | |
Undo | Undos the last option. |
Redo | Redos the last option. |
Options | |
Overlay parameter values | When an lmg is being played in the "Locomotion Preview" viewport, it will overlay the values for each of the possible parameters of the blend space. |
Overlay animation weights | When an lmg is being played in the "Locomtion Preview" viewport, it will overlay the blend weights of all the animations that make up the lmg. |
Blend code selection is the basis for an lmg animation. The blend code controls what an lmg is capable of doing, the number and type of animation assets it requires, the blendspace parameters it will use...
Take a look at the Locomotion Groups document for a list of currently supported blend codes and information on what each of them does. Also in the Locomotion Groups document are details on how to add custom blend code support to the LMG Editor.
Upon selecting a blend code, the caps code dropdown lists all the possible caps code for that specific blend code. Caps codes are used by the animation graph, most importantly to describe the type of motion the lmg is describing (run, walk, idle to move, move to idle, idle rotate).
The animations panel shows a list of all the animations that can be used to compose lmgs for the current loaded character.
Filtering animations by name
Animations can be filtered by name by entering keywords in input box. Multiple keywords can be used by separating them with a space. A minus symbol can be used before a keyword to hide all animations that contain the keyword.
Eg. The filter "run fast -relaxed" displays only animations that contain the words "run" and "fast", but not "relaxed" in their name.
Use the Reset button to clear a filter.
When selecting an animation it will be previewed in the "Animation Preview Panel"
Animations in the Animation Panel can be dragged and dropped into any of the "Slots Panels".
The Locomotion Preview Panel is a viewport that displays the currently edited lmg animation played on the currently loaded character. If no animation is played, it probably means that the current lmg is not valid.
The Animation Preview Panel will display the currently selected animation in the "Animations Panel" list.
The slots panel is composed of a list of slots. The number and type of slots depends on the blend code for the current lmg, specified in the "Blend Code Panel".
Each slot contains the name of the slot, which tries to convey the type of motion that the slot expects to hold, the animation name for the slot, and a status check.
Eg. An animation slot named "forward" may indicate that it requires an animation with forward movement to be placed in that slot for the lmg to work as intended.
To add an animation to an animation slot, type in the name of the animation in the slot, or alternatively, drag and drop the animation name from the "Animations Panel" to the slot.
When an animation name is in a slot, the status indicator will display in green if the animation is valid for that slot.
If the status indicator is red, hovering over it with the mouse will display a tooltip indicating what's wrong with the animation
All slots must be valid (green) for an lmg to be valid.
Depending on the blend code, a different number of blend space parameters are used to drive the motion of an lmg animation.
The test panel displays a series of controls to modify the blend space parameters used by the current blend code, and preview the results in the "Locomotion Preview Panel".
To see the numeric value of all the blend space parameters enable the "Overlay Parameter Values" option.
The motion combinations panel is used to run an animation on top of the current lmg animation. It has been mainly used to create locomotion groups that differ only slightly without having to redo all the base assets.
Eg. If you need several lmgs to share the same base assets (forward, left, right, back...) and have only the upper body to change between them (holding rifle, pistol...) then we can specify an animation asset to change the upper body position and specify it as a motion combination for each lmg.
Note that this can also be accomplished with having animations on upper layers, but this way it's considered by the animation system as a single animation.
To add a motion combination the editing must be enabled. It is by default disabled as it's not the most common workflow to create lmgs with motion combinations.
Once editing is enabled, motion combination slots can be created or deleted with the "+" and "-" buttons respectively.
To add a motion combination animation to a slot, type the name of the animation, or drag and drop the animation name from the "Animations Panel"
It may be necessary for specific projects to create their own lmg blend codes by modifying the CryAnimation code. This implies creating a new four letter blend code (like "STF1") and a set of blending rules for the animations it contains. Once that is done, it may be useful to be able to create and preview animations for those asset types in the lmg editor.
To do so, it is necessary to edit the "LmgEditor.xml" file that can be found inside the "Editor" folder.
Please also note that the LmgEditor.xml file is parsed each time the Lmg Editor is opened, so it's not necessary to restart Sandbox each time this file gets modified, it's enough just to restart the LMG Editor.
The general structure of this xml is the following:
For a new blend code to appear in the "Blend Codes Panel" you need to add a new entry to the <blend_types> in the xml file.
A blend type has the following structure:
<blend_type code="STF1" name="Strafe (STF1)" description="4 directions 1 speed" >
Slots are defined in the <slots> section of the xml. The following is a sample of a slot definition.
<slot id="forward_fast" name="Forward Fast" description="" position="0,1,0" />
It is best to reuse current slots whenever possible instead of creating new ones.
Caps codes are defined in the <caps_codes> section of the xml. Here is a sample of a definition for a caps code:
<caps_code id="run" name="Run" code="RUN_" />
Tests are used to specify the controls that will appear in the Test Panel, and how the values in those controls are mapped to the blendspace parameters for an lmg, so that the user is able to play with the controls and modify the current animation while in the editor.
Test are defined in the <tests> section of the xml and their structure resembles the following:
<test id="strafe_ud_test" name="Strafe Up/Downhill Test" >
... controls ...
There are four supported controls currently:
The common properties for each control are:
Property | Description |
name | Human readable name for the control. |
x | Horizontal position of the control, 0 being the left of the panel. |
y | Vertical position of the control, 0 being the top of the panel |
width | Horizontal size of the control. |
height | Vertical size of the control. |
default_x | Initial x value for the control. |
default_y | Initial y value for the control. |
The common properties for sliders are:
Property | Description |
min_x | The minimum x value for the control. |
min_y | The minimum y value for the control. |
max_x | The maximum x value for the control. |
max_y | The maximum y value for the control. |
The properties specific to joysticks are:
Property | Description |
length_min | The value for the joystick as measured at the inner circle. |
length_max | The value for the joystick as measured at the outer circle. |
On top of that, each control can specify how to map their state to lmg blendspace parameters.
This is specified in the mappings section:
For example, the following mapping definition:
<mapping what="X" to="TravelSlope" />
... maps the current x value of a control to the TravelSlope parameter.
The following values are acceptable for the "what" property.
The following values are for slider type controls:
Value | Description |
X | Sets the x value directly to the blend space parameter. |
X_TIMES_PARAM_RANGE | Sets the x value multiplied by the range of the parameter to the blend space parameter. |
MAP_X_TO_PARAM_RANGE | Sets the normalised x value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the parameter to the blend space parameter. |
X_TIMES_ASSET_RANGE | Sets the x value multiplied by the range of the asset for that parameter to the blend space parameter. |
MAP_X_TO_ASSET_RANGE | Sets the normalised x value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the asset for that parameter to the blend space parameter. |
Y | Sets the y value directly to the blend space parameter. |
Y_TIMES_PARAM_RANGE | Sets the y value multiplied by the range of the parameter to the blend space parameter. |
MAP_Y_TO_PARAM_RANGE | Sets the normalised y value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the parameter to the blend space parameter. |
Y_TIMES_ASSET_RANGE | Sets the y value multiplied by the range of the asset for that parameter to the blend space parameter. |
MAP_Y_TO_ASSET_RANGE | Sets the normalised x value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the asset for that parameter to the blend space parameter. |
The following values are for joystick type controls:
Value | Description |
LENGTH_TIMES_PARAM_RANGE | Sets the normalised length value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the parameter to the blend space parameter. |
LENGTH_TIMES_ASSET_RANGE | Sets the normalised length value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the asset for that parameter to the blend space parameter. |
LENGTH_TIMES_RANGE | Sets the normalised length value [0,1] multiplied by the range of the joystick as specified in the length_min and length_max properties to the blend space parameter. |
ANGLE_Y_AXIS | Sets the value in radians between the vector from the center of the joystick to the knob position relative to the positive Y axis (up) to the blend space parameter. |
The following values are the target blend space parameters that can be specified in the "to" property of the mapping. They map directly to their corresponding blend space parameter as defined in the EMotionParamID enum.