GeometryBeam Shader


This shader deals with the fake beams manually placed by artists and level designers.


Assign "GeometryBeam" shader to your specified material. In this article we'll be using a simple square solid shape to show the setup.

Assign a texture to the Diffuse texture slot:

Simple grey textureColored macbeth chart texture

You can also use a texture in the Specular slot to add a dust effect:

CRYENGINE logo texturePerlinNoise3D texture

A Bump map can also be applied to customize the turbulence appearance.

Without bumpmapWith noisy black/white textureWith interlaced DDN texture

Several lighting options are available to tweak such as brightness and ambience strength.

Ambience Strength 0.12 / Brightness 1Ambience Strength 10 / Brightness 1Ambience Strength 10 / Brightness 32

Start and End color options gives you control over the overall color as well as blending. Make sure you use 255,255,255 Diffuse color in the base material setup.

Start/End Color = 0,255,0Start/End Color = 0,255,0 / 255,0,0

Shader Parameters

Shader Params


Shader Gen Option

Ambience Strength

General strength of the beam effect. Default is 0.12.


Base UV Scale

Control the scale/tiling of the base UV mapping for the object.



Control the overall brightness of the beam effect.


Dust Anim Speed

Control the animation speed for the dust turbulence effect (specular map).

Dust Turbulence

Dust UV Rotation

Change the rotation of the dust turbulence effect (specular map).

Dust Turbulence

Dust UV Scale

Set the scale/tiling of the UV mapping for the dust turbulence effect (specular map). Default is 0.6.

Dust Turbulence

End Color

The end color for gradient along U axis.


Soft intersection factor

Controls softness of surface interaction with other opaque scene geometry.


Start Color

The start color for gradient along U axis.


Turbulence Speed

Multiplier for turbulence (bumpmap)

Dust Turbulence

Turbulence Visibility

Controls the visibility level of turbulence against the normal dust (bumpmap). Default is 0.55.

Dust Turbulence

UV Vignetting

Apply a vignetting effect on the edges of the UV map. Default is 4.

UV vignetting

Vertex Alpha Fading

If you use vertex alpha to fade out the edges, this slider enables you to control the interpolation curve. Default is 0.55.


View dependency factor

Controls the blending in and out depending on the facing angle to the camera. Default is 2.
The higher the value, the longer it will be visible even when nearly 90° to camera, the smaller the value the earlier it will start to vanish.


Volumetric Scale

Controls the volumetric features when shadow receiving is enabled. Effectively this changes the soft shadow radius as well. Default is 0.7.

Receiving sun shadows

Shader Generation Parameters

Shader Gen Option


Dust turbulence

Enables dust and turbulence overlay. Specular and bump map slots control dust and turbulence's appearance respectively.

Receiving sun shadows

Enable this flag to let sun shadows be cast on the light beams, creating volumetric shafts. Can be used for interesting effect. (NB: Costly performance)

UV vignetting

Enable vignette in UV space.