The Animation Graph 1.5

The Animation Graph 1.5

Documentation for the Animation Graph version 1.5


What does it do

The AnimationGraph consists of two elements, the Editor and the Runtime.
The AnimationGraph Runtime selects and starts animations while the game is running, the Editor is used to determine when to play which animation and set up transitions between these animations (blending parameters or transition animations).

The AnimationGraph does two things:

  1. Selection Logic
    1. The Graph makes its decision based on information provided by the game and other systems
    2. Select which animation to play next (and parameters etc)
  2. Transition Logic
    1. Handle Animation Transitions
    2. The transition parameters/animations are set up solely in the graph and are handled internally without influence from the game or other systems

Example of a transition animation (yellow) between two animations (green)

Separation of Game and Animation Logic

Since the AnimationGraph decides which animations are being played, the Game Logic and Animation Logic are separated to some extend.

This separation relieves the Game Code (and the AI) from the task of having to deal with low or medium level animation details, like constructing the correct animation name, finding blending parameters, handling transitions and one-shot animations. For Example: The game/ai can just move a character around at a certain speed. The graph will automatically select a fitting walk or run animation (or choose between even more if more are set up).

Animators can setup transitions and parameters without the help of a coder.

Through Actions and Signals the Game can exercise almost direct control if needed.

Workflow and Pipeline

The AnimationGraph is to be used by both coders and animators alike. Coders have to set up (or discuss with the animator) the basic animation setup when implementing new features. Animators can add in transitions, variations and set and tweak all parameters and transition times.

This allows for a fast workflow, as the basic setup can be done quickly and then polished without code changes for as long as the animation department has time to create variations and additional out-of or in-to transition animations.